Page 25 of Arden

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“Yay!” I bounce on my skates, pressing into his hard body. “That was so much fun.”

I tell myself this is just a friendly hug, but I can’t help but notice how warm and strong he is. Yeah, this man is all muscle.

I like that.

I like it a lot.

I like it too much, maybe.

But he doesn’t seem appalled by my hug. He doesn’t push me away. In fact, when I quit jumping up and down, he lowers his head until his nose is pressed to the side of my neck.

Slowly, he then slides his arms around my waist.

We say nothing; Arden just kind of holds me.

And I let him.

Time stands still.

It’s so quiet on the ice.

And this feels freaking amazing.

I relax my body, and he does too.

And then we’re pretty much fully embracing.

Arden breathes out, his warm breath tickling my neck. It takes everything in me not to turn my head.

But what would happen then?

I have an idea…

No, you can’t kiss him.

You can’t kiss him…

True, we absolutely cannot go there.

So, albeit reluctantly, I place my hands on his chest and push off.

I skate backward slowly, away from him…and all that I want...but cannot have.

He watches me curiously, and because one of us has to get us back on the friendship track, I say, “I bet you can’t catch me.”

I hear him laugh as I spin around and take off as quickly as I can.

Even though I’m fairly fast, he catches up to me in no time at all.

I notice, however, that he’s careful just to tag my arm as he says, “Gotcha.”

Sighing, I say, “Yeah, you did.”

I fall in line next to him, and we skate side by side at a leisurely pace.

Shaking my head, I remark, “Damn, you’re quick.”

He just shrugs, and then he asks me if I want to shoot some more pucks into the nets. “Just practicing some shots,” he clarifies. “No more one-on-one.”
