Page 4 of Arden

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During that time, I’ll be staying at their house.

We worked out all the details before I got the job, in the hopes that if I did get on with the Thunder, living at their place will give me a chance to learn the city and settle into my new position.

I also won’t have to worry about finding a place of my own for quite some time. Knowing me, I’ll get comfortable and won’t even start looking until late July.

Stifling a chuckle, I say to Addison, “I know. I was worried too. But it looks like I’ll get to spend some time with you guys before you leave. Speaking of which, since you changed your plans around, when do you fly out to start this little adventure of yours?”

With a hint of apology creeping into her tone, Addison replies, “Wednesday.”

“Yikes. You mean we only have, like, four days to hang?”

She sighs. “Yeah, I’m afraid so.”

I assure her, “That’s okay. We’ll make the most of it.”

“We will. Oh, and I almost forgot. You know how Hayden’s teammate, Arden, lives more or less next door?”

I’m not sure where this is going, so I mumble a tentative “Yeah?”

Addison sounds a little too excited as she continues, “Okay, so, well, Hayden asked him if he’d keep an eye on you while we’re gone and also—”

“Whoa, wait,” I interrupt, bristling. “Keep an eye on me? What does that even mean? I don’t need a babysitter, Addison. I’m twenty-three, not thirteen.”

I can almost feel her wincing through the phone. “I know, I know. And I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that at all. We were really just asking Arden to be here for you if you need anything or, like, if something were to come up. You never know, Willow. It’s fairly isolated out here where we live. And I don’t want you all by yourself all of the time. Arden is a good guy. We trust him. And he’ll be around all summer. I don’t know…” I imagine her shrugging. “I guess we just thought maybe you guys could keep each other company. That’s all.”

Oh, Lord, I hope this isn’t a setup. My sister is a hopeless romantic, especially since she and Hayden are so happy.

But I’m going to go on the premise that she has nothing but good intentions. After all, what she says does make some kind of sense.

So I concede, “Okay, I guess having someone close by who I can call on if needed sounds like a positive thing.”

“It is,” she agrees. Then, lowering her voice, she says, “There’s something else too.”

Uh-oh.“What’s that?”

“Don’t say anything to Hayden, but I’ve been thinking maybe you can help Arden out as well.”

Totally confused, I ask, “Uhhh, help Arden out? What do you mean?”

Softly, she shares, “It’s just that he’s been having a rough time lately. He blames the Thunder playoff loss solely on himself. He hit the goalpost on a shot that would have won them the game and the series.” She sighs. “But it’s not just him being hard on himself. There’s been a lot of focus in the press on his screwup. That always makes things worse for these guys, you know?”

“Yeah, I could see that.” Since I do feel bad for the dude, I add, “Poor guy.”

“Yep,” she replies, “it kind of sucks to be him right now.”

Okay, this is depressing.

To lighten the mood, I tease, “Hmmm, so you think hanging around me will cheer him up? Why thank you, big sis. I didn’t know you thought so highly of me.”

That makes us both laugh before she clears her throat and says, “Seriously, though, I actually think you really will cheer him up. You’re a pretty fun person to be around.”

Aww, I love my sister. We’re at our best when we’re getting along like this.

We talk a bit more, and then we wrap up.

Flipping a swath of my strawberry blonde hair over one shoulder, I tap my phone to my chin.

Again, I have to wonder if Addison is really trying to set me up with this Arden dude. I mean, I’ve watched my fair share of Thunder games, and I know exactly which player he is.
