Page 48 of Arden

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But who is she?

And what is she, or was she, to him?

I don’t know.

But I’m sure as hell going to find out.


Fuck, I couldn’t get away from those fairgrounds fast enough.

As I barrel up the road to my house after dropping Willow off in her driveway, I shake my head.

What is the chance I’d run into Lydia—the puck bunny I was fucking a few months ago—at a goddamn fair out in the country?

She doesn’t even live around here. Her place is in a whole other part of the city.


I couldn’t steer Willow away from her fast enough. She was waving at me like everything between us had ended on a good note. It didn’t, seeing as Lydia became a little obsessed with me.

She didn’t go full-on stalker, thank fuck, but it was hard to shake her once things ended. She kept calling and texting and showing up at places where she knew I’d be.

But then it all mercifully stopped.

I heard she’d moved on to another player in a different city.

I was just relieved.

I need to tell Willow the truth about her, but I just didn’t have it in me to get into it tonight. We had such a great time at the fair, and I couldn’t stand the idea of ruining everything by ending the night on a sour note.

And Lydia is one big sour note.

I pull into my garage and cut the engine, making no move to get out of the car.

I just need to decompress for a minute.

The light goes out, leaving me engulfed in darkness. The only sound, besides my own breathing, is the tinging noises of the car cooling down.

It’s oddly comforting.

I wonder what Willow is thinking right now.

Maybe she’s asleep.

I hope so.

But this problem isn’t going to go away. Willow knows something is up. After all, it was clear I had every intention of spending the night with her.

Running into Lydia fucked all that up.

But to make sure that’s the only thing that gets messed up, I’m going to go on damage control tomorrow.


The morning after the fair, my cell phone rings, waking me from a dead sleep and just about giving me a heart attack.

I shouldn’t have left the stupid thing on the pillow next to my head, but I did in case Arden changed his mind about spending the night.
