Page 52 of Arden

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Uh-oh. This could go sideways really quickly.

“They were,” I reply carefully. And then, to move past talking about when we exited the grandstand and saw Lydia, I say in a rush, “I’m sorry I didn’t stay over last night.”

A funny look crosses her face, and shit, maybe that was the worst thing to say.

Fuck, I need to fix this…and fast.

So I blurt out, “It wasn’t because I don’t love you.”

Holy shit, did I just say that?

I sure the fuck did, because Willow just dropped the tiny bit of bagel she was lifting to her mouth. “Wait, what did you just say?” she asks.

Okay, this isn’t the smoothest profession of love, and it’s not how I envisioned declaring my feelings for her, not at all, but it is the truth.

So, covering her hand that’s on the table with my own hand, I hold her gaze and say, “I love you, Willow. I should have told you sooner and probably in a more romantic way, but I need for you to know that somewhere along the line, I fucking fell for you.”

Tears well in her eyes, and she whispers, “I love you, too, Arden.”

Part of me is shocked. It’s been so long since I’ve heard those words. My heart is so touched, but only because it’s her saying them to me. I guess I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear her say it back.

To be sure I heard her right, though, I ask, “You do?”

She laughs. “Yeah, I do.”

I shake my head. “Damn, I am so fucking happy right now.”

“I am too,” she murmurs.

Nothing else matters—nothing.

I love this woman and she loves me, and all I want to do in this moment is show her just how much.


Ican’t believe Arden just told me he loves me. I mean, I felt it, but hearing the words coming from his mouth makes it so much more real.

My eyes fill with tears of joy, and I reply, “I love you, too, Arden.”

For some reason, he looks shocked.

“You do?” he asks.

Is he kidding?

This is so unexpected and endearing that I let out a little laugh before murmuring, “Yeah, I do.”

Ah, now he’s sure. There’s so much emotion in his blues. He knows I love him, and, damn, this man loves me. I see it—it’s abundantly clear, written all over him.

And you know what?

I no longer care about that stupid blonde at the fair.

She’s obviously from his past, where she’ll stay.

I’m his present, and his future.

And that’s all that really matters.
