Page 54 of Arden

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On Friday, though, there are no lunch plans with our friends. Willow has a half day to make up for working late a few times. And since I’ll be meeting with Nils for our usual workout session, I suggest in the morning that she and I drive down together.

“Maybe we can go to a matinee movie when we get back,” I say. “It’s been a while since we’ve seen anything at the theater.”

We’re up in my bedroom, and I’m leaning back against the pillows, bare-chested as I watch her dress for work.

I love these simple moments that we spend together.

As she maneuvers a fitted floral print dress over her head, she says, “Yeah, I like that idea.”

“Okay, cool. So I’ll just head straight to your office after we’re done working out. Is noon good?”

“It is.” She nods as she slides on a pair of wedge sandals. “I can leave anytime after that, so it’ll work out perfectly.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Great. If you want to change clothes, we can stop at your house before we head over to the movie.”

She pauses and purses her lips. “Yeah, I think I will. You’ll be dressed casually, so I’ll change into shorts or jeans or whatever.”


With our plan set, I get up so I can hit the shower. “I don’t want you to be late,” I tell her as I plod into the en suite bathroom, naked and bare.

She smacks my ass as I pass and sighs. “If only we’d gotten up a little earlier…”

Fuck, I, too, wish we had time to mess around, but I meant what I said when I told her I don’t want to make her late for work.

So, as I start to close the bathroom door—because I’m about to just say “to hell with it” and throw her down on the bed and fuck her senseless—I point at her and warn, “Be good, you little temptress. Go downstairs and have some breakfast. I’ll be down in a few.”

Rolling her eyes, she mutters, “Okay, okay, bossy. But for the record, you’re no fun.”

“Ha!” I bark. “I’ll show you fun, sweetheart. You just wait till later.”

“I’m holding you to that,” she says, eyes on me, as she walks away.

I chuckle as I shut the door.

I fucking love that woman.

After working out with Nils, I shower and put on long khaki shorts and a blue button-down shirt. To keep it casual, I roll up the sleeves.

Nils and I confirm that we’ll meet again on Monday morning, and then I head over to the accounting offices.

Willow is ready to go, so after we pop our heads into Hector’s cubicle to say “Bye” and “Have a nice weekend,” we’re off.

As she snaps her seat belt into place over on the passenger side, I ask her, “How was your morning?”

“It was good,” she replies. “Just the usual, crunching numbers and all that fun stuff.”

I laugh. “Sounds riveting.”

“Oh, it was. I’ll have to show you some spreadsheets sometime.”

Holding up my hand, I shake my head. “No, thanks. I’ll pass. But seriously, though…” I glance over at her, and she looks so fucking pretty today in her floral dress. “I’m in awe that you’re good with numbers. I love that you’re so fucking smart.”

My right hand is now resting on the console, and she places her hand over it. “Thanks, Arden. That’s sweet of you to say.”

“It’s just the truth, babe.”

The drive goes faster than usual since traffic is not too bad today. Before we know it, we’re pulling onto our country lane.
