Page 63 of Arden

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After we ate lunch together in the office earlier, he wished me luck with the interview, but he did so half-heartedly.

“It sounds as if you pretty much have it, anyway,” he said, looking kind of sad. “Like this interview is just a formality.”

“Yeah, maybe,” I agreed, not feeling as thrilled as I should be about that.

It’s been clear all week that Hector thinks I should stay with the Thunder organization. And it’s not just because he and I are friends now, though there is that. Truly, though, he’s really rooting for me and Arden to get back together. He knows all the gory details of what went down with Lydia. I spilled them when we went to lunch on Monday.

Nonetheless, he doesn’t think the damage is irreparable. He actually believes this is just a bump in the road to true happiness for Arden and me as a couple.

“He’s such a romantic,” I say out loud, shaking my head as I pull into my driveway and park.

Romantic or not, he could be right about this being a bump in the road.

Don’t choose work over love, you stubborn girl.

Forgive Arden.

I can’t believe my own traitorous mind is chiming in and agreeing with Hector.

“Shut up,” I murmur to myself as I get out of the car and slam the door with more force than necessary.

I need to focus on this interview tomorrow. Formality or not, I can’t come off like a bumbling fool. I don’t have time to dwell on “maybes” and “what-ifs.”

Besides, I think Arden and I are truly over.

I think he’s given up on me.

It’s well after noon, and he hasn’t texted once today. Though I never respond, he usually always sends a “Good morning, sweetheart” message.

Not today, though.

Damn, that bothers me.

And I don’t want it to.

Huffing, I trudge upstairs to my bedroom, where I ditch my work slacks, blouse, and heels. After I shower and refresh my minimal makeup, I change into jeans, a lavender V-neck cotton top, and comfy slip-on shoes.

My bag is packed, so I’m pretty much ready to go. It’s a little early to start out to the airport, but I sure as hell don’t want to sit around the house and think about Arden. Plus, I like arriving early when I’m flying out. I can relax, or at least try to.

So, stepping outside, I lock the door behind me. I turn around and head to my car, where I toss my purse and overnight bag into the back seat.

“I’m ready to go,” I say as I open the driver’s side door.

But then I pause.

Looking back at my temporary home that I may be saying goodbye to very soon, I remind myself that I mean “I’m ready to go” in a lot of different ways.

The first step is to keep moving in only one direction—forward.

Yeah, no more looking back.


By the time I reach the finance department in the Thunder complex, after sprinting all the way down from the restaurant, I’m a little winded.

But I catch my breath quickly. I also make a quick stop in the men’s room to splash water on my face and slick my dark hair back.

I’m ready to confront Willow. She’s not going to get away from me so easily today. This isn’t a text or a call, or even me standing on the other side of a door.
