Page 221 of Rock Chick

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“Nice to meet you,” he said politely, and without another word he left.

I turned to Lee. “What just happened?”

Lee sat on the edge of his desk, leaned forward and grabbed my hand, pulling me to his side. I leaned a hip against the desk and looked at him. Ally moved in closer.

“Rosie and Kevin are going to a safe house. Hank set it up for them. I’m sendin’ Mace out to pick up Coxy’s boys, all of them. I want Coxy vulnerable before the show.”

“What show?” I asked.

Lee didn’t answer.


“Lee—” I started.

“I’m done fuckin’ around. Tonight, it ends,” Lee declared.

“What about the mob?” I asked.

“The mob?” Ally cut in.

“Don’t worry about it,” Lee said.

I put my hands on my hips. “I’m hardly not gonna worry about the possibility of you getting in trouble with the mob.”

“In trouble with the mob?” Ally cut in again.

“I said don’t worry about it,” Lee ignored Ally and responded to me.

“Do I have to cuffyouto the bed?” I asked.

Lee grinned, as, of course, he would.

This did not make me happy.

“Cuffed to the bed?” Ally persevered.

I ignored Ally this time. “Seriously, Lee. Maybe we should just go to the cabin in Grand Lake for a little while, let this blow over.”

I was thinking maybe a year or two would do it.

“It’s over. Tonight. If there are consequences, I’ll deal,” Lee replied. I opened my mouth to say something, but Lee beat me to it. “We aren’t discussing this.”

My eyes narrowed and my hands went from my hips so I could cross them on my chest in my “We’ll Just See About That, Mister” pose.

“Hello! I haven’t ceased to exist. I’m still in the room. Is anyone gonna talk to me?” Ally was sounding a bit pissed off.

Before either Lee or I could answer, there was a quick knock on the door. Then it opened and a man was there. Hand still on the knob, he barely entered the room.

He was not just any man. With one look at him, I knew he was one of Lee’s men.

Tall, taller even than Lee, black hair, fantastic body, jade eyes. He looked like he had a hint of Asian in him. He was beautiful. Beyond beautiful. Artists and sculptors would likely beat each other to death for the opportunity to use him as a model.

Not that this guy would ever model.

It took all my effort, but I tamped down the instinct to flirt and I just smiled at him without the tilty-head-flirty bit. Lee was in a bad enough mood as it was.

The man’s eyes swept over me, over Ally, face blank, then they settled on Lee.
