Page 60 of Rock Chick

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“Then this ends tonight.”

I stared at him.

“Indy, by God, if you don’t promise me—”

“Of course it ends tonight! I just saw a dead body! You can’t think I’m that stupid.”

His face said he thought I was that stupid.

“Lee! Rosie’s my friend. He’s out there, somewhere. And they’re not only looking for him, they’re looking for Duke. And now they’re killing people.”

“I’ll find him and I’ll find Duke.”

We looked at each other for what seemed like days. His brown eyes were hard and angry. I tried to tell myself that all his anger wasn’t directed at me, but I was having trouble believing it.

My gaze slid away. “I couldn’t have known I was going to find that tonight,” I whispered.

“I told you these were bad guys.”

My gaze slid back.

“What kind of job do you do that you know about this shit?”

He shook his head. He’d moved back an inch so we weren’t nose-to-nose anymore, but he was still close.

“Un-unh, you aren’t gonna make this about me.”

I moved out from between him and the wall and I stomped to the bathroom on my favorite parting line.


I brushed my teeth with what now seemed like my toothbrush, which was cozily resting next to Lee’s.

I tried not to think of my day’s plan of not ending up in Lee’s car, company, condo or bed, all of which I’d failed to do. I tried not to think of Tim Shubert, dead and smelly and left to rot in his house while his neighbors worried about him. I tried not to think of Rosie or Duke in a similar position, either now or later. I tried not to think of Tod and Stevie’s car, which I had left outside a crime scene. I tried not to think of what a fuckup I was, or how Lee could move around in these situations so casually without blinking an eye.

I got undressed and put his T-shirt on. It was huge on me and had a Night Stalkers insignia emblazoned across the chest. Too big. I was going to get tangled up in it the way I slept but I wasn’t going to tell Lee that.

Plus, it was a fucking cool shirt.

I walked into the bedroom, about to dump my clothes on my bag I’d left on the floor, when I saw my bag was missing.

“Where’s my bag?” I asked Lee as he walked into the room, coming toward me. I dumped my clothes on an armchair.

“Judy unpacked you,” Lee replied, still coming toward me. He grabbed my wrist and walked me toward the bed.

“Judy?” I asked, not paying much attention because I was thinking of being unpacked, my clothes hanging next to Lee’s. My undies in a drawer. My toothbrush next to his. My body in his bed.

How did this happen so fast? It had only been two days, for God’s sake! Whatever happened to taking it slow?

“My housekeeper,” he answered.

“You have a housekeeper?” I was shocked he had a housekeeper. I was shocked that I was kind of living with a man who I didn’t know had a housekeeper. I was shocked that I was kind of living with a man, period, dot, the end, much less that man being Lee.

He pushed me gently and I fell back on the bed and finally realized where I was and what he was doing.


Then he moved fast. He pulled my wrist over my head, leaned into me, I heard a snap and ratchet, then I heard another snap and ratchet.
