Page 185 of Rock Chick Rescue

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No more chats.

“I think I got it,” I told him.

“I hope sochiquita, if you don’t, you will,” he said quietly.


“I got it.”

“Shit, you’re killin’ me,” he sounded frustrated.

I felt bad for him but I didn’t know how to help. Helping him would be putting myself out there and I felt plenty out there already.

I decided to change the subject, “My sister’s in town.”

“Yeah, heard that too. I’d like to meet her, but I’m caught up in something and need to work late tonight. I’ll pick you up from Tex’s.”

I looked around the table. Everyone was staring at me.

“Actually, I’m going out tonight with Indy, Tod, Lottie and Daisy. I’ll probably be out late.”

That’s all I shared, he could guess the rest.

More silence.

More Spanish.

He guessed the rest.


Finally, he said, “I’ll ask Lee to tail you.”

“No!” I protested. “We think we have a lock on Dad and Lee’ll scare him off.”

Lee would scare anyone off. One look at us with Lee in charge, word would spread like wildfire and Dad would be gone.

“It’ll be okay,” Eddie assured me.

“Anyone sees him with us…”

Eddie laughed softly but it was a serious laugh. “If Lee tails you,no onewill see him, not even you.”

Somehow, that scared me more.

“I don’t think—” I started.

“Trust me,chiquita.”

“I’m not sure—” I tried again.

“I want you to trust me and I’m askin’ you to do this for me. It’ll give me peace of mind. I might have some shit goin’ down tonight. I don’t need to be worried about you.”

My breath froze in my lungs.

This was a lot, trusting Eddie, doing something for Eddie and worrying about Eddie all at the same time.
