Page 17 of The Deadliest Game

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Lidia shook her head. “No need.”

Suddenly, everything went cloudy. I blinked away the fog. Exhaustion was taking over.

“We’ve had someone on the market for an unusual human bride.”

I blinked. Everything was blurred beyond recognition.

Lidia’s smile grew. “You are older than we would’ve preferred, but you’ve got the face for it. It’s all quite serendipitous. There’s a widower Fae in the north. Not too old, still has all his teeth. He’s looking for someone young and… spirited.”

My head nodded forward all by itself. “No.”

The Night Merchant raised his eyebrow. “No? I don’t think so, my dear.”

My eyes started closing.


I looked at the coffee in front of me, then at the fuzzy shapes of the people before me. They had drugged it.

“Just give me money for the jewels,” I slurred.

Lidia raised her eyebrow. “What jewels?”

I looked at the table in front of me and the gold shapes were gone.

An undercurrent of panic set in.

Then everything went black.


Noticias Urgentes

“Half a million pesetas, or there’s no deal,” I heard someone exclaim.

I awoke with a start, my head pounding. The stench of decay and bodily fluids assaulted my senses before I had even finished exiting dreamland. When I cracked my eyes open, there was a very dim light which revealed metal bars lining my cramped cell. The light winked when someone crossed in front of it.

A grunt. “Half a million? You’re insane. The thing is sick,” the person insisted, the sound carrying all the way back to my cell.

My wrists burned from the cold, and I adjusted them, only to find that I was bound in shackles.

Shadowy figures stirred around me—humans were visible in the surrounding cells, but so were other forms. Some were too large to be human.My eyes widened when I remembered bits of the night before. I had been drugged, and they had taken me here.

“It’s not human. It’s not even one of those Elves. Look at it! It looks like a broken butterfly.”

I couldn’t make out the features of the person in the cell in front of me but, I could feel the tension in the air.

A non-human?

If the shadowy figure blocking the light was buying a human, then this was the Mercado Nocturno, or at least part of it. Which meant that we were the products.

“Faeries make excellent pets. Did you see this?”

The forms leaned forward.

“That’s a necklace.”

“No, it’s an iron collar. It burns them, but it keeps their magic bound.”
