Page 60 of The Deadliest Game

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“You slept with him.” The answer appeared like the context between the lines of a story. I was irrationally angry since I had known about them for a while. The possibilities swirling between Antonio and I turned into alarms sounding in my ears, and I sat up. “What happened to Ronaldo?”

She bolted upright on the bed as well. “Carmen—”

“He’s an Élite,” I interrupted, my voice quivering. “You are putting yourself in danger by doing this with him. How is it going to end?”

Her cheeks flushed. “You don’t understand.”

I scoffed. “Magdalena, I understand all too well. He will have to get married after the tournament, just like me. What will you do when he has a wife?”

She sat there, glaring at me and breathing heavily. Even though the words were intended for her, they struck me in the heart just the same.

The Canciller had just been testing me during that interview. He knew about the lies published in tabloids.

Antonio was impossible. Getting close to him was a mistake. What if the Canciller had already promised him to someone else?

I saw no other women, but I was making a mistake in loving him. I would be hurt just like I had been as a young and foolish girl writing him a letter. Panic flooded my gut, so I kept talking. “I get it, you are ruled by your heart, but you can’t—”

“Carmen,” Magda hissed. “If you are going to judge me, at least find out what happened.”

I clamped my lips shut. The fear made me want to run away, but I had to stay—for Magda.

She sunk back on the pillows, her eyes darting back and forth as she tried to find the words to explain.

“I was sick. Ronaldo’s mother had the Withering, and everyone was going into quarantine. Then Antonio brought those bodyguards to take me to Santiago’s house.” She paused, taking a deep breath. “Carmen, I had the Withering. I was dying, and Santiago saved me. When he saved me with his blood, something bloomed between us. He had been trying to be my friend for weeks, and I just followed my heart.”

I sat there, processing what she said. Antonio had told me about the outbreak but had neglected to tell me she was dying. She could’ve died before I ever saw her again.

Tears sprang up, and I tried to blink them away.

What was happening with her and Santiago was going to end badly. I could see it. I didn’t want to trust her. I wanted to continue to take care of her. The old me might’ve done that, thinking I had to save her. But she wasn’t asking me to act. I would be here for her when it all came crashing down, but until then, I could leave her be.

Nodding, I wanted to beg her to stop, to pull away before she felt too much to sever the connection, but I couldn’t control her. Forcing her would end badly. “I…” The words dried up. She looked at me with such love. I couldn’t ruin that. It was our last night together for a while, and I didn’t want it to be forever soured. I swallowed. “I believe you, and I’m glad you’re alive.”

Magda replied, a smile lighting up her face. She launched forward, wrapping her arms around me. “Te quiero, Carmen Asbaje."

I smiled and patted her hand. She wiggled back down onto the bed and yawned. Then she laughed.

“If you haven’t tried to seduce Antonio yet, you’re insane.”

My eyes went mad, but I laughed despite myself. “It was that good with Santiago?” I asked.

She blushed, her eyes hooded and her features sleepy. “It gets better every time.”

“How many times have you slept with him?”

“Enough to know that I can’t stop.” She let out a sleepy laugh. “But don’t tell him that. As far as he knows, I’m resisting him.”

I wiggled under the covers, savoring the feeling of being with my friend once more. “You foxy little thing.”

She laughed and closed her eyes. “Buenas noches, Carmen,” Magda whispered as her eyes fluttered closed. Her chest rose and fell rhythmically, her breaths steady and deep.

I leaned forward and kissed her forehead. “Dulces sueños, mi Magda.”

As Magda drifted into sleep, her breathing slow and steady, my thoughts turned to Antonio. The moon cast an ethereal glow upon Magda’s peaceful expression, making her appear almost otherworldly. The room hummed with tranquility, yet sleep eluded me, and the fear didn’t dissipate. A restless energy pulsed through my veins, urging me to move, to act.

If Antonio was keeping secrets from me, then they could hurt me. If I learned his secrets, I could build walls high enough not to get hurt. Then he could kiss me all he wanted, and I would kiss him back.

My skin was hot all over, thinking about what Magda had said about me sleeping with Antonio. My fingers touched my lips where he had been hours ago.
