Page 66 of The Deadliest Game

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It wasn't true; I never wanted any of this. But I pushed the thoughts aside, focusing on the road ahead. On the battles yet to come. Competitor, warrior, survivor—that's who I was, who I needed to be.

"Isaac, please." The words carried some weight. He sighed, leaning back in his seat with an air of resignation.

"No," he said, his tone holding both disappointment and a touch of anger. But at least he backed off, granting me the space I needed to breathe.

As the bus continued, I closed my eyes, trying to escape into the darkness of my thoughts. There, I could be free from the prying eyes, the unwanted touches—or so I hoped.

The bus continued to shake beneath us, and I felt the vibrations in my bones, but it was nothing compared to the trembling of my own heart. Fear and unease coiled tightly around it, constricting with every breath I took.

"Hey, Renata,” Santiago called from a few rows ahead, his voice strained as if he were trying to mask his fears. “¿Cómo estás?”

"Fine," I lied, forcing an unnaturally tight smile. Around me, other competitors sat in small clusters, sharing whispered words and nervous laughter. The air was thick with anticipation, anxiety, and an undercurrent of something darker, more sinister. It was suffocating, and all I wanted was to escape its grasp.


Death Falls Upon Stones

The air was heavy with the scent of frost and anticipation as our group arrived at the drop-off point for all the candidates. The wind whispered through the trees, carrying its icy breath across the small, icy cliff that overlooked the vast forest below us. Each branch of white and black seemed to tremble as if they were also aware of the Blood Tournament.

I turned my attention to my pack, taking in the weight of it in my hands, feeling the cold metal of the zippers and clasps as I double-checked its contents. My fingers brushed against the rough fabric, and I couldn't help but wonder how many past candidates had shouldered similar burdens before me, only to meet their end in the merciless wilderness.

The first one to reach the top of La Dama would win if they had the best scores. We would also accumulate points by checking in at every significant leg of the tournament. There were two full days allotted for the first part of the journey, but I was sure I could make it through the forest in one. Unfortunately, my speed would be pointless. Swiftness wasn’t a virtue if it meant I got disqualified for cheating.

If I went by myself, I could get hurt. There wouldn’t be anyone to press my button and have a Trabajador take me back to the capital.

Isaac stood near me, watching my every move with sour fascination.

"Renata, you ready?" Santiago asked, his sandy brown hair tousled by the wind as he approached. He glanced around, ensuring no one else was close enough to eavesdrop on our conversation.

I nodded, then tried to inject some confidence into my voice. “Yes.” Despite the reassurance, my heart still hammered away in my chest like an invisible drum, drowning out any semblance of calm.

Isaac stiffened at my side. “I don’t remember your team contacting either of us for an alliance. I suggest you go find whoever you’re actually paired with.”

Santiago took a deep breath and then left. I knew he was likely only helping me because of Magda, but it was nice to feel less alone.

As the minutes ticked away, the other candidates also busied themselves with checking their packs. Some huddled together, sharing whispered strategies and last words of encouragement. Others stood alone, their expressions tense and focused, as if shielding themselves from the inevitable trials.

"Jóvenes, ¡Vengan!" A Guardia’s voice called out.

I froze up. It was time for me to survive.

With those final words hanging heavily in the air, we all took one last moment to steady ourselves, the weight of our packs now bearing down on us as fate awaited us in the depths of the forest below.

As snowflakes drifted lazily from the sky, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing myself for the challenge ahead. The Blood Tournament was about to begin, and only the strong would survive.

The forest before me seemed to stretch forever, a vast expanse of snow-laden evergreens and twisted branches that disappeared into the horizon. I tried not to look at Isaac, who hung around me like a specter, watching my every move with a predatory gleam in his green eyes. Instead, I focused on the forest, letting its mystery and danger envelop me.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Isaac murmured, so close that I could feel his breath against my ear. "You'd never know that death in the form of venomous animals or poisonous plants waits beneath all that snow." He laughed softly, a sound that sent shivers down my spine.

"Isaac, please," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "I'm not in the mood for games."

"Who said anything about games?" he replied, his tone threaded with an underlying edge. "I'm just admiring the scenery before the wolves come out. Do you even know how many animals stay underground in all this snow? After all, we only have two days to make it to the base of La Doncella."

The mention of our destination made my heart pound in fear. I stood at the drop-off point for the Blood Tournament, knowing that in mere moments, I would be thrust into a brutal competition where only the strongest would excel. The wind picked up, howling through the trees and echoing the storm within me.

"Are you scared, Carmen?" Isaac asked, his voice fighting against the wind. "You should be."

"Scared?" I forced a small smile, determined not to let him see how much his words affected me. "Of what? The forest, or you?"

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