Page 72 of The Deadliest Game

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"Isaac, move!" I screamed, my heart pounding in my chest like a caged bird desperate for freedom. We dove out of the way just in time, narrowly escaping the crushing embrace of the fallen giant. As the tree impacted, fragments of snow and debris flew, stinging my exposed skin.

"Damn it!" Isaac shouted, wincing from the pain. "This is madness!"

Gritting my teeth, I tried to focus on what lay ahead. Tremors shook the ground beneath us, sending rocks tumbling past our feet like lost souls. Their rough edges scraped against one another, creating an unsettling chorus of clattering and grinding that echoed through the ravaged landscape.

"Over there!" Isaac pointed, his voice strained as he spotted a group of competitors, including Santiago, desperately trying to avoid the falling debris. "Santiago! Watch out!”

As if fate had heard my unspoken plea, a second tree, its roots violently ripped from the trembling earth, toppled over. Like a vengeful deity, the terrifying image of its tall trunk looming above us sent my heart thudding against my ribcage.

"Get down!" I screamed over the roar of destruction enveloping us.

In that moment of sheer terror, time seemed to slow, and I watched in horror as the colossal tree descended upon us, its thick branches casting shadows like dark, twisted fingers.

"Isaac!" I screamed, my balance faltering as I desperately ran to a nearby tree trunk. Panic surged through me; I had never felt so utterly helpless.

I was too late.

"¿Qué demonios?” Isaac yelled, struggling to maintain his footing as the earth shuddered. “Ren—“

The tree collided with me, cutting off Isaac's frantic call, and I felt an explosion of pain along my leg. The force of the impact stole the air from my lungs, leaving me gasping for breath. White-hot agony clawed at my nerves, threatening to pull me into unconsciousness.

"Isa . . . Isaac," I choked out, tears collecting in my goggles. "My leg is stuck.”

"Stay with me, Carmen. We're going to get you out of this," he said, his voice cracking with emotion. He gripped my hand tightly, determination etched on his features.

My vision blurred as the pain radiated from my leg, consuming every inch of my body. Each breath was a mixture of fire and ice; I could barely focus on anything else. I tried to steady my racing heart, but fear clung to me like a second skin. A dissonant harmony of shrieks and gasps filled the air as the other competitors reacted to the earthquake. I only saw a few climb up trees while others sprinted forward with renewed determination, trying to outrun the chaos that threatened to swallow them whole.

This was not how it was supposed to be—this was not what the Blood Tournament had ever been about. We were meant to race against one another; we weren’t supposed to die—Élites needed to survive for the government. I had expected people to kill me, but I didn’t know the island would try to do the job alone.

"Isabela, Samael, we need your help!" Isaac called out, desperation edging his voice as he inspected my throbbing leg.

Santiago emerged, flanked by Sam and Isabela. They locked their arms under the tree branch when they reached my side and heaved upward. It moved with their combined strength, and I saw my leg.

"Holy shit," I breathed, bile rising in my throat as the gruesome sight burned into my memory. One of the long branches had landed on my leg. It wasn’t large enough to crush my bone, but as soon as they moved it, a bit of my bone jutted out through my pants.

I wailed in shock seconds before a new wave of intense pain set in. Then the gold flared to life.

"Wait!" Isaac's voice cut through the chaos, his determination unwavering. “Set the bone before she heals!”

Gritting my teeth, I reached for my leg. The sensation of touching my broken skin made my stomach churn with acid. Santiago bent down.

“Stay back!” I screamed when his hands reached for the golden blood. “I’ll burn you.”

Shaking his head, he grabbed the limb anyway. The smell of burning flesh came instantly, and the strain on my body made me weak. What the hell was going on with Liliana? She should be using my stone to give me Blood Magic right about how.

"Here," Isabela handed me a dried leaf. “Chew this while you heal yourself. This will be over soon.”

"Isaac, I need you to help Santiago hold her leg steady while Samael sets the bone," Isabela instructed, her voice firm despite the tremor running through her hands.

As Samael and Santiago worked on my leg, I clenched my teeth and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the pain that threatened to overwhelm me. I felt Isaac's hand on my shoulder, offering a small measure of comfort amidst the chaos.

"Almost healed,” Isabela murmured, tying one last knot before surveying her handiwork. Samael looked on with approval, nodding at her efficiency.

"Thanks," I choked out through gritted teeth, my eyes still moist from the pain. Then it happened, like a gust of hot air. More power flooded my insides, bringing potent healing to my damaged body.

I sagged backward, staring up at the sky. Isabela’s face appeared in my line of vision. She leaned over me and pulled off her goggles. “Damn. You really are that golden.”

“What took you so long to get here anyway?" Isaac snapped suddenly, glaring at Santiago as he helped Isabela to her feet. "We could have used your help earlier!"

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