Page 77 of The Deadliest Game

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Before cutting his finger, he grabbed the bucket and wretched while I turned my head away.

"Nightshade, you bastard?" Santiago called out before wiping his mouth. A Trabajador came to bring him water while he healed himself.

Isaac laughed at Santiago’s rage as if this was fun. And then, at that moment, I realized Isaac was the only other one left standing.

When I looked at him, his face curved into a mischievous smirk.

“Ah, it’s you, mi Rena," he said in a silky voice that sent shivers down my spine. It didn't match the way he looked.

I stepped towards him cautiously, almost expecting him to pull back at any moment. He didn't flinch and instead made a sweeping gesture with his hand. "Should we reveal the last poison since I already know?"

At first, I stared at him, my heart pounding wildly at the thought of playing this game for real. I swallowed nervously before finally speaking up.

"Yes," I choked.

Isaac grinned and leaned forward a fraction as if trying to kiss me. I pulled back. Hehatedthat but recovered quickly by saying, "The last one is Oleander. Be careful. This one is remarkably bitter."

Then a Trabajador passed each of us a shot glass filled with milky white liquid. When we tipped back our heads, it was bitter and caustic on my tongue. So much magic had made me weak, and I pricked my finger as fast as possible.

The sound of coughing started just as soon as my glow began. I opened my eyes to see Isaac's look of betrayal all over again, like the night I thought he had died.

I hadn’t tried to kill him that night, and I wasn’t trying to now. There was no way I could save him. He had lost at his own game and was now on his knees, clawing at his throat.

Nothing but the burning smell of bile filled my nose.

Everyone stared at me, and I stared down at him.

I prayed this would be the last disturbing thing that happened this week.


Ya Vamos A Comer

It was late; the game was finished, and I was uncomfortable admitting that I was starving. Isaac, pretending to be unbothered by his loss, poured me a generous glass of crimson liquid from the seat across mine. "Have some wine and enjoy yourself for once."

The area smelled fresh once more, though the sulfur was hard to mask. I took the glass, considering whether I wanted to drink again. I had cut back while living with Antonio, but I wished I could escape. While savoring the smooth texture of the stem beneath my fingertips, I decided it was worth it. The first sip of wine was heaven, warmth blooming in my chest as I drank deeply. For a moment, all the death faded away. My phantom scars didn’t hurt, instead replaced by the comforting embrace of the wine.

"Here comes the food," Isaac announced, nodding toward a pair of servers approaching our table. They carried platters laden with succulent roasted meats, vibrant arrays of fresh fruits, and warm, crusty bread. My stomach growled in anticipation.

"Thank you," I murmured, allowing one of the servers to place a plate in front of me. This feast was a stark contrast to the hard-earned meals of my past when every morsel of food had been a precious commodity.

As I took a bite of the tender roasted meat, my taste buds came alive, savoring the rich, smoky flavor. The warm bread was crisp on the outside and soft on the inside—reminiscent of the few moments of comfort I'd known as an orphan. Then gruesome, disgusting images flashed before my eyes, and I put the fork down.

They had spared us the endless cubiertos they usually ate with, and I soon heard music to cover up the nonexistent conversation.

Time stretched on, and then conversations began to bubble up. Without warning, one competitor at the table next to me looked over and frowned.

"Can you believe she's even here?" she said to another, disdain dripping from her words. She spoke loud enough for me to hear.

“Despite the shimmery magic, she acts like a newborn cow,” her companion replied, his voice thick with scorn. I realized it was Mani. “How is she supposed to repel when she carries all that extra weight?”

Their cruel words sliced through me, cold and unforgiving. I clenched my fists under the table, trying to steady my breathing and not let their taunts affect me.

I couldn't help it. It was time to stand up for myself. "You're just jealous because I won. You think I wanted to play a game where everyone gets poisoned?"

Silence. Then, one voice rang out above the others.

"¡No debes estar aquí!"
