Page 107 of The Face in the Water

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“The old knee-jerk ethical reaction.”

Tean reached up and pulled on his beard.


With a tiny smile, Tean said, “I guess part of me is comfortable with the fact that your targets tend to be people who can afford it, people who are assholes, or people who…I don’t know. Who receive some sort of benefit, even if your motives are different from what they believe. Heather’s a good example. It didn’t matter to her that you weren’t there because of a psychic summons. She needed someone to help her, and you did that for her. I know that’s oversimplifying, but part of me is…is willing to let go of that, I guess. Because that’s your decision and your life, and it’s not my place to pass judgment on that.”

“You didn’t have any hesitation about passing judgment on the breakfast I prepared for the girls last weekend.”

“Syrup or powdered sugar, Jem. Not both. We want them to have teeth when they grow up.”

“It’s their right as an American to have tooth decay. I will die on this hill.” Jem’s mouth quirked. “Nervous again. Sorry.”

“I don’t want you to be different. Not at a core level. You’re everything I could ask for in a partner.”

Jem made a face.

Laughing, Tean said, “In a husband. I don’t want you to change.”

“Maybe some small things.”


“Maybe I could try putting Scipio’s harness on when we go for a walk.”


“Maybe I could not use the toast knife in the peanut butter and get all the crumbs in there.”

“Maybe,” Tean whispered, and his eyes were full of tears. He blinked them away. “I don’t know how to say this. I wish you hadn’t had the life you had growing up. My heart breaks for that boy. But I love the man, and I feel like if I wish those things away, I’m wishing away part of you too. And I don’t wish you were different. I wish the world were different. I wish we lived in a world where you didn’t have to do those things. So, I’m going to do better too. I’m going to make sure you know how proud I am of you. How much I value you. How special and wonderful you are to me.”

Jem nodded and traced the curve of Tean’s ear.

“You’ve gotten better at cold reading,” Tean added, still in that whisper.

Jem’s answering smile was wobbly.

“And you’re still one scary badass motherfucker.”

“Swear jar.”

“Emery asked me if you were feral.”

The words startled a laugh out of Jem. “Did you tell him I’m housebroken?”

“Oh my goodness.”

“But I still bite.”

Tean rolled his eyes. But his voice was serious when he said, “I am so lucky to have you in my life. You’re talented and funny and caring. You’re generous and kind. You’re also the only man who could put up with me, which suggests you might need to reconsider your own choices, perhaps raise your personal standards to an acceptable level.”

“Are you kidding? You’re a catch.”


“You are! You know how to dissect a narwhal.”

“I’m not sure—”
