Page 120 of The Girl in the Wind

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“Thank you.”

“They’d eat you alive. Death by twink.”

“Why does that sound familiar?”

He slid onto the bed, still in his t-shirt and boxers, and he was smiling too much at his own joke. Fortunately, he grunted in a gratifying way when Auggie slugged him.

They lay there awhile. It was cooler out of the sun, although not by much—with the windows open and the air conditioning off, the air was thick, almost steaming. Auggie’s chest rose and fell. He couldn’t smell the smoke anymore, not here. He could smell a hint of hair product on his pillow. He could smell Theo, the complex mixture of sweat and skin and a body he knew almost as well as his own. He got hard by degrees: his dick filling out, his nipples stiffening. Theo’s breathing sounded different.

He opened his mouth to say something, and for the first time in a long time, embarrassment stalled him. He’d worked hard to get to where he wanted to be with Theo, and now all that progress seemed swept away, and he felt like a child again: unsure, maybe even a little afraid.

Theo rolled onto his side. Some of his hair had come loose and fell in his eyes, and his mouth made a line—not angry, not grim, but neutral. He put one hand on Auggie’s thigh, and Auggie shivered. His fingers stuck lightly to Auggie’s skin when he trailed them up. Then that big hand cupped Auggie’s dick and balls.

“I’ve got kind of a situation,” Auggie whispered.

Theo nodded.

“If you don’t—I know it’s a weird time—I promise we can just take a nap.”

The corners of Theo’s mouth curved slightly. “You know, I kind of had a feeling this might happen.” He rubbed lightly, and Auggie shivered again. If it was possible, he got harder. It felt like months since Theo had touched him. Years. Theo’s hand moved to his waistband, and he rolled onto his knees. His eyebrows arched in a question, and when Auggie nodded, Theo slid the trunks down. His eyes followed Auggie’s body. He tossed the trunks aside, and then he put his hands on Auggie’s thighs. Hard, strong hands. Auggie could feel himself leaking onto his belly, and when Theo slid his hands up an inch, back again, up an inch, back again, Auggie made a noise. Theo shushed him and whispered, “You are so beautiful.”

Auggie blinked his eyes, but the tears spilled anyway, running down to soak into the pillow.

“Are you ok?” Theo asked. “Do you want to take a break?”

More tears fell as Auggie shook his head. “I want you to get naked, dummy.”

For another heartbeat, worry lingered in Theo’s face. Always so worried. Always so determined to keep Auggie safe. Then it melted into a new expression. Theo’s grin had a distinct cockiness, and for a moment, Auggie could see what teenage Daniel Theophilus Stratford might have looked like. Theo shucked his shirt, and he worked his way out of his boxers. He was hard, his dick jutting out. When he touched Auggie again, Auggie spread his legs and let out a shaky breath.

Theo went down on him: Auggie’s sex professor, still giving master classes in blowjobs. Auggie raked his fingers through Theo’s hair. He tightened his grip. He pulled. Emotions stirred in him, a kind of turbulence made up of leftover anger and love and frustration and fear and animal sexual need. He pulled until Theo made a noise—not quite pain, but definitely discomfort. The world stepped back as the orgasm began, everything receding, and Auggie heard himself from a distance saying, “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit.”

And then it stopped. Theo sat back. He ran his knuckles under puffy lips, and his cheeks had red circles in them. A string of precum hung between the tip of his dick and Auggie’s thigh, and a voice in Auggie’s head said, This is what you do to him.

“Theo,” he whined.

Shaking back the strawberry blond hair, Theo chafed Auggie’s thighs again. Then he sat with his back to the headboard and said, “Come here.”

Auggie grumbled. He swore. He made discontented noises so that there would be no doubt how he felt about the matter. The crack of Theo’s hand against his bare thigh wasn’t hard, not exactly, but it sounded like a gunshot, and Auggie squeaked. He bolted upright and, glaring at the smirk on Theo’s face, crawled over to straddle him.

“That hurt!”

If anything, the smirk grew bigger. Theo rubbed the stinging spot—the sting was almost gone, to be fair, but that patch of skin had taken on a decidedly rosy glow. He didn’t say anything, but he pulled Auggie closer, until their chests were almost touching, their dicks trapped between their bodies. Theo studied Auggie’s face, and the amusement dropped away, the smirk faded. It felt like a slice of eternity, that indeterminate span of time when Auggie could see, in Theo’s face, more. More of Theo. More of them. Then Theo kissed him again, longer, his hand light but firm on Auggie’s jaw. Little adjustments, tiny repositionings, one of Theo’s hands following the muscles in Auggie’s back.

When Theo broke the kiss, Auggie felt oxygen deprived, drunk on the taste of Theo, on the taste of himself in Theo’s mouth. Theo, however, seemed to be suffering no such problem. He licked Auggie’s neck. And then he whispered, “I love you.”

Auggie shivered like someone had run an ice cube down his spine. He managed a choked, “I love you too.”

For some reason, that made Theo chuckle and shush him. He kissed Auggie’s neck. He bit his earlobe. One of Auggie’s legs was trembling now, like it couldn’t hold him up, and Theo’s hand moved from his back to his hip to steady him. His other hand cradled the back of Auggie’s head, giving him no chance to break away.

“I want to tell you something,” Theo said. The words were barely loud enough for Auggie to hear them. “I want to tell you how good you are for me. I know you told me not to do that, not until you tell me I can. So, I’m asking. Please?”

Auggie nodded drunkenly, his head loose and bobbing, his leg trembling faster.

“You’re amazing,” Theo whispered. “You’re amazing with our daughter. You’re amazing with me. You’re so smart and funny and kind. You’re gorgeous. Every day, I’m proud of you. I’m so proud of who you are.”

Auggie moaned. He rutted into Theo’s belly, his dick sliding across Theo’s skin.

“I am,” Theo said. “And I think about the last few days, about how hard you’ve worked, about everything you’ve done, about how you never give up. I can’t believe how lucky I am to be with you, to get to spend my life with you.”
