Page 103 of Blue Collar Babes

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I laugh. “No idea.”

“That’s too long.” He leans over the console to kiss me.

When his palm slides up my shirt, I capture his wrist in my hand. “We are not doing this in a parking lot.”

“It’s not a very busy parking lot.” He’s turned on all the boyish charm in his arsenal, but I’m not looking to flash any innocent bystanders, no matter how skilled a teenager he thinks he can be.

“Sorry. I’m just not that kind of girl,” I say teasingly, though I mean it. We are not fucking in this parking spot.

His laughter has a twinge of villainy as he puts the truck in drive.

A vacant two-story building sits at the edge of the parking lot. Teague pulls into a space facing the expansive brick wall. The parking spots on either side of us are vacant, and it’s unlikely anyone will pull into one with so many closer spots available and the rain coming down harder.

Opening his door quickly, he hops out of the truck and jogs around to my side. His skin is cold and damp when he crowds in with me, and he smells like rain. His kiss tastes like rain, too, and I giggle like an actual teenager before I even know what’s happening. My body shudders when he slides his hand up my shirt again, his cold fingers shoving my bra up and out of his way.

My nipples are hard right now because of the cold, but if he keeps his hand on them until our skin is sizzling, they’ll still be hard because those little slut buttons can’t get enough of his attention. When I was an actual teenager, they were so sensitive I could hardly stand to have them grazed. But to be fair, no one who reached for them back then had Teague’s touch.

Damn, a teenage boy with his skills would be capable of great and terrible conquests. I’d like to think I’d be as much a formidable threat if I could go back, knowing what I know now, but I’d probably still let the boy take the lead. It’s who I am and what I prefer. Unfortunately, it took me far too many years to realize not all men were born to lead.

The one touching me now could lead me straight into the realm of Hades. If I get burned, I get burned. Worse things have happened in pursuit of lesser joys. Teague undoes my jeans, and I’ve got no desire to dissuade him. My only objection is when he attempts to fully remove my shirt. “That is entirely too much public nudity. Below the waist, I’m at least shielded.”

“Get on my lap.”

I straddle him. His cock strains against his zipper, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to do this now. He shifts under me to unfasten his own jeans. “If anyone happens to see us, you’re just sitting on my lap for all they know.”

“Right. To any average imbecile, this would look totally innocent.”

“The world’s full of imbeciles.”

The rain starts to fall in sheets, obscuring visibility to the point I can barely see the bricks beyond his front bumper. A sudden sense of security takes the place of my fears, and a stream of warmth rushes from my pussy. This just went from naughty nostalgia to raw eroticism in the blink of an eye. Yeah, I’m all in now. And he’s about to be.

His jeans are shoved down to his knees; mine are on the seat next to us. His shirt is still on and so is mine, though my bra is pushed up above my tits. I lift up onto my knees and position myself to take him.

“Sink that pretty pussy down on my cock slowly while I watch.”

I slide down, enjoying every inch. His erection stretches me, making me aware of a lingering soreness from last night’s sessions. It’s slight, but it’s enough to make me pause. His hands go to my hips, and he holds me in place. “Are you sore?”

“A little. It’s not bad. I just need to take it easy to start.”

“You’re in charge. Do what feels good for you.”

While it’s true that I usually like him to take control, I do like being the one to set the pace right now. His hands slide up my shirt and cup my breasts, taking a moment to feel the weight of them before he begins to squeeze and brush his thumbs over my swollen nipples.

With him fully inside me, I slide my hands under his shirt and map his firm pecs. Bands of rain slap the windshield. The wind blows harder. This truck feels like a refuge, which in a way, it is, but we’re not stuck. Not trapped together. We chose this.

I pump slowly on his dick until the soreness fades enough that I can increase my strokes, really ride him, rocking my hips forward and back as I pull off and come back down. His hips start to rise up to meet mine. He’s been passive as long as he can stand, but he knows I’m ready for him.

My clit throbs when he presses against it. I grind against him to chase the pressure. He takes the cue and grinds with me. I can’t believe I actually agreed to fuck in a truck in a public parking lot at my age, but I’m glad I did. This is some of the hottest sex we’ve ever had. Being shrouded in curtains of rain emboldens me, but it also adds a level of intimacy that makes me feel connected to him on a whole new level. Leveling up in that way is probably a bad idea. Once you unlock certain things, you can’t hide them away again.

His hips jerk, and I feel his dick lurch. My walls clench, and the telltale quivering starts in my core, spreading out to my glutes and my thighs. He pinches my nipples, and my breath hitches. His breathing accelerates, and mine shallows into small, quick shrieks. His body goes rigid, and mine begins to tremble all over. He moans, and I lose the ability to make any sound at all as our orgasms rack our bodies.

I collapse against his chest, still trying to catch my breath, overcome with disbelief at what just happened. I’ve never experienced simultaneous orgasm before. Hell, I thought it was a myth. “Holy shit. That was incredible.”

He threads his fingers into my hair and lifts my face to make eye contact. “You are incredible.”

We kiss, deeply, passionately . . . and then we clean ourselves up using fast food napkins from his console, which is awkward and weird, and somehow, just a little bit heart-eyes-sweet and funny. There is no pretense left when you’re wiping bodily fluids in front of each other using napkins with chicken heads embossed on them.

The rain slows as we redress, as if it had been dialed up to eleven solely for our privacy.
