Page 123 of Blue Collar Babes

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I think about her so much, it’s like I conjured up some kind of twisted fantasy.

The cat sinks its teeth into her bare shoulder, and Emily grits her teeth against the pain.

And then, despite the fresh fang marks and the scratches marching up her arm, a smile spreads across her face as she scrambles to her feet. “Jack!” She peeks into my apartment. “Is this where you live?”

“How’d you find me?”

Her brow furrows. “I didn’t.” The cat digs its back claws into her stomach and attempts to make a break for it. She winces. “I mean, I wasn’t looking for you so I didn’t find you.”


“I couldn’t find you because I wasn’t looking.” She resettles the cat in her arms. “What are you doing here?”

I want to reach out and touch her—make sure she’s real—since her sudden appearance and this conversation are as clear as mud, but I keep my hands to myself.

“I live here,” I say.

Her eyes widen. “No way! Me too.”

“Me too what?” I’m certain that I’ve sacrificed a few brain cells to welding fumes.

“Me too. I live here too.”

I stand there blinking like some kind of fool. “What?”

“Jack.” With a short huff she rolls her eyes. “Why are you acting so dense?” She laughs, and the sound is way too cheerful for my sad, sorry ass. “I live here.” She points through the open door. “I’m moving in. Right now, actually.”

I step across the hall and peer inside. Yup. No furniture. No rugs. No nothing. My socked feet thump across the living room and down the hall. Nothing in the bedroom or the bathroom. Emily watches from the doorway, curious, as I retrace my steps and check the kitchen. Also empty.

“What are you looking for?” she asks.

“What happened to my neighbors?” I don’t know why I ask. It’s not like I care.

She shrugs. “Beats me. The place was empty when I came to look at it last week.”

Last week?

After closing us intoherapartment, Emily sets the cat down. It takes off like a rocket. Impressive for something with only three legs.

Then, beaming like a kid on Christmas morning, she bounces across the room and thrusts out her hand. “Howdy, neighbor.”

I swallow the sudden lump in my throat as I take her hand in mine. Given my racing heart, maybe it’s me who’s like the kid on Christmas morning.

Our hands still clasped, I look down at Emily and smile. Then I pull her close and press my lips to hers. Only this time, it’s no goodbye kiss. My head’s still scrambled; my heart still damaged, but maybe it’s time to let some sun back into my life.

I break away. Reluctantly. But only for a moment.

“Hey there, neighbor,” I say, and then pick up right where we left off.

The end…for now

* * *

Want to know what derailed Jack’s future and why Emily’s such a dreamer? Find out when this grumpy vs. sunshine pair get their own book in 2024. For updates, subscribe to my newsletter or visit my website. Learn more about me and my books here.


