Page 146 of Blue Collar Babes

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It’s been so long since I’ve kissed a woman—even longer since it felt this good. This right. The feeling is both terrifying and electrifying at the same time.

She breathes a soft moan into my mouth as her arms wrap around my waist. That stupid prick is the furthest thing from her mind now, and I can’t help feeling a sense of pride. I plan to spend the rest of the night trying to completely wipe him from her memory.

By the time I force myself to break the kiss, her lips are swollen, her skin flushed. She slowly opens her eyes, her lashes fluttering as her stare finds mine again.

“Fuck,” she breathes.

I chuckle. “You ready to get out of here, honeybee?”

She bobs her head eagerly. “So ready.”



Nervous energy courses through my veins as Roman hands me a plastic cup filled with whiskey. The ride to his hotel was quiet, the awkward silence following us all the way into his room. I’ve never done anything like this before. Never had the chance. Jacob and I started dating in high school. He’s the only man I’ve ever slept with.

I’m not sure what came over me when I suggested we come back to his room. Maybe it was the high I got from seeing Jacob jealous. Or maybe it was the rush I felt when Roman touched me. Either way, I didn’t want it to end. But going to the bar with him wasn’t an option. Tricking Jacob was one thing. I don’t need the entire town talking about my newfriend.

After we checked out at the market, I started having second thoughts. But Jacob was right behind us. I couldn’t let him know it was all a lie. Then Roman kissed me, and all thoughts of Jacob melted away.

I finally understand what they mean by a toe-curling kiss. When his tongue tangled with mine, I felt it everywhere. My whole body came to life under his touch, creating a need like I’ve never experienced before. By the time his mouth left mine, all I knew was that I wanted more.

Roman takes a seat on the couch, his stare heating my skin. “So…Bee, is that short for something?”

Oh, god.I’m in a hotel room with a man who doesn’t even know my name. And I know absolutely nothing about him either, except for his name. Being here with him feels reckless, but maybe a reckless night with a complete stranger is exactly what I need.


He chuckles, quirking an eyebrow. “You going to tell me for what?”

I take a big swig of my drink and shake my head. “Nope.”

There’s a reason why everyone calls me Bee. I hate my name. My mother named me after my great grandmother, Bernadette. Everyone called her Birdie for short, which is how I got stuck with it.

Roman is a great name, though. Strong, commanding, sexy. Just like him.

He grins, his head tilting as he studies me. “All right. Honeybee it is then.”

I roll my eyes, taking another sip to hide my blushing cheeks. “How long are you going to be in town?”

“I’m leaving Sunday morning.”

“And what brought you to town in the first place? This isn’t exactly a tourist destination.”

Our little town has really grown over the past ten years or so as people continue moving in from the larger, bustling cities around us. With nearly ten thousand residents, it might not even seem that small to some. But there isn’t a whole lot going on around here. A night out on the town consists of dinner at The Grind and grabbing drinks at Dot’s.

“I was offered a job. Came out here to check things out.”

My heart skips, the idea of him staying here making this all seem a lot more dangerous. I can handle a night of hot sex with a handsome stranger. But if he moves here, things could get a lot more complicated. And I’m not ready for moreorcomplicated. “And are you going to take it?”

“I wasn’t planning to, but…” He pauses, his eyes trailing down my body and back up again before he continues. “The idea of living here just got a whole lot more appealing.”

Butterflies flutter in my stomach as he winks at me. “Easy, Romeo. I’m already in your hotel room.”

His deep, hearty laugh vibrates on my skin, and a smile spreads across my face. “You going to tell me what the story is with that Jacob prick?”

I take a deep breath as unease settles in my gut. Jacob is the last person I want to think or talk about right now. “He wanted me to quit my job, to give up my career for him. And that was never going to happen. So, he ended things with me and found himself a Stepford wife.” I shrug a shoulder and throw back the rest of my drink, acting as if my heart hadn’t been completely shattered. “But I don’t want to talk about that.”

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