Page 153 of Blue Collar Babes

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“Because my sister knows I’d demolish some of the food and alcohol before the wedding even starts.”

“How are we supposed to find anything though?” I whispered back. “It’s pitch black.”

“I helped my parents put everything in here, so I know where most of it is.”

“Okay, first things first, where’s the whiskey?”

“This way.” He pressed further into me as he shimmied around me and led the way to the far corner.

My eyes adjusted to the dark well enough to see several stacks of liquor boxes. “Are those all liquor?” I asked.

“Yup.” He turned to me, grinning before digging quietly through some boxes. Finally, I heard him say, “Ah-ha!”

“Did you find it?” I inched closer to where he’d found what we needed. There wasn’t much space to keep from constantly bumping into each other. It was just large enough for one person. Yet, here I was, pressing into the brother of my ex-girlfriend’s fiancée—or should I say wife at this point?

He turned around with the bottle in his hands. In both of our maneuvers, we were now pressed against each other, front to front.

And I swear to any and all gods that I felt something twitch in his pants.

“Want to move somewhere there’s more space?” His voice was low but deeper this time.

I shook my head and then realized he probably couldn’t see it. “No, I’m good right here.”

“Oh, really?” I could hear the teasing in his voice.

And I don’t know what took over me but suddenly, I became this flirty tease. I reached for the bottle of whiskey and leaned my head back, letting the brown liquor burn down my throat. Once I’d had more than I could drink, I pulled it away, muttering, “Fuck.”

“Damn.” He nearly groaned.

“Want some?” I offered the bottle but stared straight at him.

He didn’t take his eyes off me as he responded, “Hell yeah I do.”

“Then get some.” I teased back.

He reached out and for a moment, I thought he was just going to take the bottle, leaving me here with soaked panties and a racing heart.

But as he reached, he leaned in, and I definitely felt his swelling dick.

“Shit.” I breathed. And before I could stop myself, I pushed up onto the balls of my feet and wrapped my free hand around his neck, pulling him down until his lips finally met mine.

For a brief second, I freaked out—in my head. I just pushed myself against this stranger and then made him kiss me.

But when I started to pull back, he pulled me back into the kiss. He took the bottle from my hand and pushed it onto the table behind me before wrapping his hands around my waist. As his hands slid down to my thighs, we deepened the kiss. He cupped just beneath my ass and lifted me until I was sitting on the table.

Just the move along had me more than excited. Never before had anyone even thought about trying to lift me. I wasn’t exactly the skinny girl.

But Nico did it so effortlessly.

I pulled my lips from his, trailing down his jawbone and to his neck as I began unbuttoning his dress shirt. He wasted no time sliding his hands up the front of my thighs, pushing my flowy dress out of his way.

“Fuck.” He groaned when his fingers found the hem of my panties. I pushed his dress shirt off and then pulled his white tank top over his head.

I’d never been one to get too wrapped up in people’s looks. At least when it came to whether or not a guy had bulked out muscles.

But everything about Nico’s chest had me taking in every inch of him.

He was firm but not only muscle. He had a thin tuft of chest hair spanning the width of his upper chest. And in the top right corner, there was a tattoo wrapping from his collar bone, down to his pecks. I ran my fingers over it, wishing I could the details of it.
