Page 155 of Blue Collar Babes

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“Yeah,” I finally managed. “We just need to get out of here.”

“Come here.” He crouched down, pulling me with him so we were hiding from the sight of the doorway. Without much space, I was still pressed into Nico.

After a few moments, the door shut again, and the voices disappeared. “We should probably get dressed and go out there.” I whispered, terrified, they were still there.

“But out there sounds so boring when I have all of this right here.” He smirked, gesturing to the fact that I was still naked and practically sitting in his lap.

“This sounds so much better on so many levels.” I pulled him in for a kiss when suddenlybothof our phones started vibrating.

“Fuck.” He groaned, this time in irritation.

We each pulled out our phones to see that Lyla was calling me and his sister was calling him.

“Hello?” I answered first and he followed suit.

“Hey, I saw your car but not you. Where are you?”

I glanced up at Nico. “Um, I went for a walk.” I offered as I bent over to grab my clothes.

As I did so, I heard him offer his sister the same excuse. All the while, grabbing my ass with his free hand and nearly causing me to yelp.

“Well, are you close? We’re almost ready to start the ceremony.”

I pulled my phone from my ear. Surely enough, it was ten minutes to five. “Yeah, I can be back in time.”

“Okay, good.” Lyla started to end the call, but I could hear her breathing on the other side, as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t get the words out.

“I’ll be there.” I assured her again, hoping that would satiate her.

It seemed to as she sighed and hung up the phone.

When I turned around, I saw that Nico was already dressed and off the phone.

“Here, let me help you with that.” He stepped towards me, but I saw the devilish grin on his face just before I slipped the dress over my head, letting it fall to just above my ankles. Sliding his hands around me, he effortlessly zipped the dress up and laid a soft kiss on my lips in the meantime. As he pulled back, he took my panties from me, slipping them into his pocket.

My mouth dropped open, but I slowly pulled it shut and smiled. “Souvenir?” I joked.

“Yep. Plus, if you want them back, you’ll have to come for them after the ceremony.”

“Meet you back here?”

“The room should be empty by then. They’ll have set everything up by then.”

“Good. Now, let’s go watch my ex and your sister get married.”

“That’s not a sentence you hear every day.”

“That’s not a sentence I ever thought I would say.” I joked back as he led his way out of the building, around the front, and into the room where the ceremony was being held. “Are you up front?”

“Yeah, supposed to be, but I can sit back here with you, if you’d like.”

“Would your family be okay with that?”

“If they aren’t, they’ll just have to deal with it.” He let me slip into a chair first before taking the one beside me.

They were the types of chairs that I swear only twigs and children could find comfortable and spacious enough. My ass was neither of the above. Naturally, this meant that we were pressed against each other—again.

* * *
