Page 87 of Blue Collar Babes

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“Thanks again for helping out today.” I smile at my sister-in-law, Bree, and dust my hands off on my navy scrub pants.

She waves me off with a bright smile. “It’s not a problem. The kids are all at the daycare with Whitney, and Corjan’s helping Lee with the adoption event until this afternoon.”

“You mean you didn’t want to help my brothers use their charm to find some of our dogs new loving homes?”

Bree rubs the clean examination table with unnecessary effort before tossing down the rag. Her adorable huff brings a grin to my face. “If I have to hear one more woman ask if my husband is available for adoption too, I might just lose it.”

“There are way too many single women in this town. The men are outnumbered ten to one.” I tease while restocking supplies.

“You aren’t wrong.” She wipes the sweat from her brow. “But my husband is off the market. By his own confession he’s been that way since high school. These girls should know to keep their hands to themselves.”

“If he would just walk around shirtless, they’d all get a glimpse of your name on his chest and scatter.”

Bree laughs. “I’m pretty sure that’s against some safety violation somewhere.”

“It can’t be much different than the fire station's annual calendar.”

“That’s for charity!”

“So? They might be my brothers, but we aren’t blood related and I’m not blind.” I run the broom across the floor, gathering hair and nail clippings into a pile. “You and I both know they’d run out of dogs if they took off some clothes, and Corjan could show off your brand at the same time.”

“And you and I both know there are some ladies who wouldn’t be deterred.”

“Isn’t that the truth.”

“Speaking of single women, how are you doing?”

My eyes snap to Bree’s before darting away. “Nice segue,” I grumble, picking up my purple thermos. The coffee is still hot from this morning, buying me precious time with each delicious sip. “I’m good.”



Bree moves briskly into my line of sight. “You haven’t said much to anyone in weeks. Your fiancé cheated on you and you jet off on your prepaid honeymoon, coming home after an extended stay, sun kissed and glowing, as if you didn’t just get your heart broken.”

“You know I love you, right?” I reply through a tight throat.

Her brows move together. “Yes,” she answers cautiously.

I bob my head. “Good. I just can’t tell you how thankful I am to have a family who checks on me out of concern and not out of a need to gossip.”

“So with that in mind, can you tell me how you really are? It almost feels as if you met someone on your trip.”

My eyes dart for the open door as if I might find a line of waiting clients to save me from divulging too much information.

“I really am fine. I went on vacation and extended my stay for a bit of soul searching, and I found it.”

“Found what?”

I shrug and lick the rim of my mug before taking another drink. “Sebastian wasn’t right for me.”

Bree’s snort rings loud in the small room. “I’ll say. He was a downright stuck-up prick if you ask me.”

Hollowing my cheeks does nothing to suppress the smile breaking free. “He was that.” I lift my thermos to her in a salute.
