Page 23 of The Last Fire

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I feel like my world is crumbling.

I enter my credentials and attempt to log in.

Incorrect password.

No way, this can’t be happening!

I click on password recovery, but when I enter my email, it says there’s no account associated with it.

My hands start trembling, and tears stream down my face.

My life is falling apart. If whoever hacked my account posts those pictures, the ones Samael knows nothing about...

I’ll never be able to face the world again out of sheer embarrassment.

I’ll do anything to get them back.


Five years ago


I nervously nibble on my nails as I make my way towards the secluded alley behind the school. The bell is about to ring, and I’m never to be late, but now 'd rather endure my parents' nagging than have my little secret exposed to the whole school.

Taking a deep breath, I cautiously peek my head around the corner of the building, scanning the area before fully revealing myself.

There he is, a tall, blond boy in our school uniform, his back turned as he casually smokes.

My phone buzzes, and I swiftly retrieve it from my pocket.

My heart constricts within my chest. I had renamed the contact from “Unknown” to “Hacker.”

From: Hacker

To: Rebex


I'm here, and you're not. You already know what's about to happen.


It's him.

That means the boy standing before me is...

It's really him!

He's the hacker!

When he turns his back, I quickly change my mind and hide behind the building once more, pulling my hood even further down over my forehead to avoid being recognized.

Manasseh? What is he doing here?!

Wait! No way...
