Page 30 of The Last Fire

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From: Rebex

To: Satansseh


Yet? Why are you doing this to me? Do you enjoy playing with my mind?


sent at 11:20

I don't get an answer until the end of class, when I leave the photography club and go straight home. From the moment I arrive until dinner, I stare out of my room, hidden behind curtains, at their house, not letting a single movement escape me.

Maybe Manasseh is right. I really look like a true stalker now.

Why isn't he answering me, though?

I check my phone for the umpteenth time, and I think I'll go crazy if another night passes without being able to sleep. It would be the third one.

“Becca, dinner is ready!” My mom calls me from downstairs, and I leave the phone in my room. Perhaps this way, I have a chance to eat something without carrying a bomb in my pocket. When I return, I take a shower and get ready for bed, but not before checking my phone, where I find a message.

My heart starts pounding like crazy as I read the name on the screen.

From: Satansseh

To: Rebex


I've reconsidered and I have an idea. Come to my place. The back door is open. I'll tell you face to face what it's about.

It's 23:39, and Manasseh is calling me over.

What does he want this late?




It's 6 a.m., and I can't sleep.

In fact, ever since I found out about mom, I haven't had any peace. All I could find was her ashes and a note from my father, leaning against the blue urn like the waves of the sea.

I'm waiting for you at home.

I threw it away as soon as I read it. I don't want to go back to that dreadful town. I'll live here, just as I have been, only without mom.

But the question is: Can I really live without mom?

It's been a few years since they separated. I'm aware that it happened so I could grow up far away from the poison of Matlock and leave everything behind. Dad would never give up his parish, and mom would never oppose his calling, always making excuses when he missed dinner or an important event in my life, saying things like, “You can't resist the Lord's calling” or “Your father has a special gift. You must understand and respect it.”

I never understood this whole thing about calling. How can it be more important than me, or than... his family?

Shouldn't family be the most important thing to a person? I've been trying for a long time not to be selfish because the world doesn't revolve around me, as I used to believe.

No matter how much you dislike it, Becca, you're not the center of the universe. You're just the main character in your own story. In someone else's story, you're just a supporting character. The world doesn't revolve around you!
