Page 35 of The Last Fire

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I'm going insane. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

The knocks on the door, the ticket, the incident in the parking lot.

They all connect now.

What was I thinking when I kept denying their existence?

They have been watching over me for a long time, and maybe they know everything about me. It's only a matter of time before I taste their revenge even more.

The Crasnics of Matlock came back for me, and this time, I have nowhere to run.


Five years ago


I find the back door open, even though it's so late and it would probably be closed if Manasseh hadn't planned to ask me to come to his house at midnight. I'm nervous, and I hope I won't come across Samael during my little act of breaking and entering because that's exactly how I feel, like a burglar.

All because of Masse.

With the hood over my head, submerged in the oversized hoodie that reaches below my hips and covers almost my entire skirt, I tiptoe up the stairs, ready to levitate if necessary.

I know which room belongs to Manasseh, and that's why I mutter under my breath, knowing I have to pass by everyone's rooms to reach the one at the end of the hallway. I feel like my heart is pounding in my undies out of fear, so I get close to the door and, before I press the handle, I press my ear against the wood.

The chords of the song “Asshole” by Hooligan Chase fill the room, and I roll my eyes as I listen to the lyrics. They fit the idiot so well. Manasseh truly is a jerk.

I hear some noises from the end of the hallway, and I hurry to get inside. I gently close the door after barging into Manasseh's bedroom like a freaking tank, and I just hope no one saw me.

I take a quick look around the dark room and finally allow myself to breathe when I realize I'm all alone within these four walls. The only light source comes from the laptop on the desk and the frosted glass door of the bathroom. Both are discreet, making Manasseh's room look like a serial killer's lair. Impressively tidy, dimly lit by the screen set on night mode, and smelling clean.

I back away from the door and take a couple of steps towards the desk. I can hear water running. Manasseh is probably taking a shower.

My heart starts pounding like crazy as a thought races through my mind.

Does he have those pics on his laptop?

What if I delete them before he finishes showering and end this stupid game of cat and mouse?

I move around the room like a feline, settling into the chair at the desk. I start searching for the folder with the pics, and I feel like I'm in one of those intense suspense movies, running out of time but so freaking excited.

Finally, I find a folder named “Top Secret” in drive D, and I take a last glance at the bathroom door before opening it.


The jerk! He totally named that folder on purpose.

“Is this what you're looking for?” Manasseh's voice breaks the tense silence of his bedroom, and I jolt.

My heart pounds like crazy as I raise my eyes and see him standing there, fresh out of the shower. Manasseh is only wearing a towel wrapped around his hips, spinning a USB stick on his finger, attached to his keychain.

Damn it!

His sandy wet hair is pushed back, and his skin gleams in the yellowish light of the laptop screen. His shoulders are too broad for a 17-year-old boy, and his physique is more solid than I expected. His muscles sit harmoniously on his bones, rounded and pleasing to the eye, and the V-shape of his pelvis stands out, emphasized by his flat abdomen. The tattoo near his heart, a cross-shaped message, catches my attention away from the packs on his abdomen and his rounded biceps.


