Page 48 of The Last Fire

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“I refuse, absolutely!”

“Don't you think you're rushing things? Let me tell you what you're missing out on.”

“I have nothing left to lose.” I take a step back and spot the knife placed in the wooden cutlery holder.

“You're right, you have nothing left here. You have no reason to stay. You have no one, no job, no money to pay the bills, rent, or even support yourself. Soon, you'll be evicted and left on the streets. Is that what you want? What will become of you, Becca?”

“Nothing... isn't that what you wanted?”

“On the contrary. I can offer you a new life! In Matlock, you have a home waiting for you, no rent, no bills, and no worries about the future. You won't need to work anymore; leave everything to me!”

“Seriously? Did you finally inherit Daddy's empire? I never thought you were the golden son. How did you manage to get your hands on it?”

Manasseh's face contorts, and he pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his back pocket. He lights one up, taking a long drag as he shoots me a piercing gaze, clearly bothered by my words. Manasseh resorts to this whenever he's overwhelmed. It's just a temporary distraction to deal with the pressure. I've encountered his other side in the past, the one that unleashes his anger on everyone around him, and it never ends well. I don't know what version of Manasseh I'm dealing with now. He could be worse than ever, but something tells me I'll find out, whether I like it or not.

The favorite son—This is still a sensitive subject for him, his obsession, the battle for supremacy. Manasseh has remained the same narcissist as always. He desperately wants to be the first in everything.

It's no surprise that Samael was Daddy's boy, no matter how badly he treated Mr. Dan. But things might have shifted in favor of the eldest son over the years. I bet his venomous mother wouldn't let go of the inheritance so easily, and somehow, she orchestrated her son's ascent to power. It's just a hunch, but I sense something wicked here.

“Listen, Becca. Right now, your mother is receiving the best care. Accept it, and you could have everything you desire, you just have to live with me under the same roof.”

A peace offering? No way! Surely it’s a trap.

“You’re delusional... the two of us can't live under the same roof,” I continue to doubt his seemingly innocent proposal.

Manasseh wouldn't do me any good. He only knows how to cause harm.

“I didn't come here with the intention of accepting a refusal.” He remains firm, holding his ground, but I have no intention of giving in either.

“Are you crazy? I said no!”

“Maybe I am... but you also know how to challenge me,” he takes a step forward, and I take one back.

“I don't want to live with you. Why should I?!” I raise my voice without realizing it, and Manasseh approaches, visibly irritated.

“Because I'm the only one who cares about you!” he shouts in my face, looking furious, and he throws the cigarette into the sink.

“No! You're the only one crazy enough not to understand that you're not meant for love. Who would love you when you don't even love yourself? You're desperate to look like the biggest narcissist possible, and if I didn't know you so well, if I let looks deceive me, you might actually fool me. But I know you, Manasseh.”

“You've only known what I allowed you to know.”

“I know why you're here. It's because after all these years, you're still as lonely and unhappy. Isn't that right?!” I can’t help but smirk with satisfaction and position myself threateningly in front of him.

“Shut the fuck up!” I notice his fingers clenched into trembling fists, and I know how much it bothers him.

Manasseh has always run away from loneliness, but loneliness refuses to leave him be. It's like a shadow that refuses to let go.

“You're pathetic! What did you think, that you could blackmail me and I would throw myself into your arms like some damn escape? You can't be my life raft, Manasseh, because you're the one drowning me! I don't want to hear you, I don't want to see you! I want you to disappear from my life, for good. I don't want to love you, Manasseh! I can't! I never will.”

“We'll see about that.” He brings his hand to his temple and runs his fingers through his disheveled blond hair, still tangled from our previous struggle.

“You're completely deranged!” I laugh, feeling an anxiety attack coming on. “You really don't want to give up, do you?!”

“No. I won't give up even when I'm dead.” He crosses his arms over his chest like a stubborn child and gazes out the window, distracted.

“Fine! Then maybe I should die instead, to finally be free of you.” I grab the knife from the holder, taking advantage of his distraction, and without a second thought, I aim it towards his stomach.

“Becca, no!” Manasseh exclaims, but I can't stop myself.

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