Page 51 of The Last Fire

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The arrogance in his voice makes me nauseous, and the way he always ends up in some clash with Rebecca just ticks me off to the max.

“How did it come to this?” Dan nods his head in thanks to the woman serving us at the table.

“That's what I'm dying to know,” I mutter out loud, and Masse doesn't seem bothered one bit that the topic keeps going.

“It doesn't matter anymore. Let's eat!” he starts shoveling food into his mouth and, like clockwork, shuts down the convo right there. But I know he's doing it on purpose.

He just wants to act all mysterious, knowing that his withholding only fuels my fire. I can catch his almost imperceptible smirk as he chews contentedly.

“Your brother has a point, Sami. Dig in and eat, you're like a walking skeleton!” Dan shakes his head and plops a big chunk of meat onto my plate.

“I swear, running around all day must be exhausting. Your kid never skips a practice,” Anabella heaps on the praise like she cares.

“Do you really think this sports thing is your future? We already decided you'd get involved in the family business.”

“But that's what you decided,” I push the food around my plate but don't touch a damn thing. “Soccer eats up my time, but it isn’t exactly what I like.”

“Well then, what do you like?” Dad's patience seems to be waving goodbye.

Rebecca Goodwill, I think to myself, as I glance at Manasseh and catch his challenging gaze.

“I don't know yet,” I shrug, toying with my food. “For now, I just wanna read and learn.”

“What? You wanna be a teacher?" my dad’s forehead wrinkles in confusion.

“He wants to be a warlock like Gandalf," Uriel bursts into laughter, food in his mouth. "And defeat Voldemort."

"You're such an idiot! Those aren't even from the same freaking movie,” Masse corrects him.

“Books...” I retort, correcting my idiot of a brother. “Started with books, then came the movies.”

“Well...” Uriel keeps on chuckling, munching away because he's the family clown. “I wanna be a wizard and marry Tinker Bell.”

Manasseh erupts into laughter, joining Uriel in his monkey business. Nothing's ever serious to him.

“Let's not get into business talk at the table. Alright?” Anabella puts some salad onto my plate. “Eat up, you need the energy.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I play along, but Uriel bursts into laughter and chokes on his food.

He knows we don't get along, but he'd rather laugh it off and stay out of it. He also knows that I only call her “Mom,” sarcastically, when my dad is around, clueless about the tension between us.

“I can see you've been taking care of them while I was gone,” Dad looks at the young woman who still hasn't bothered to sit down at the table, fussing over dinner to make sure everyone has enough food on their plates.

She's so cringeworthy when she tries to act all nice, and she's clueless about it. I know it's all for show, but Anabella is too slick to reveal her true intentions.

“Of course,” she flashes a seductive smile and gently places her perfectly manicured hand on my shoulder. “No one cares about them more than I do.”

What a load of bull! It makes me want to puke.

When her smooth fingers, all polished in pearly pink, brush against my skin, I recoil. A shiver runs down my spine, and my breath hitches.

I can't stand being touched, and she damn well knows how much I hate it, which is exactly why she did it.

I'm trembling, not out of fear, but out of pure disgust.

She quickly withdraws her hand as she senses my tension and takes a seat. She opts for a fair ceasefire instead of a pointless battle. Anabella doesn't waste her energy on conflicts that don't bring her any benefit. She doesn't waste her energy unless she's truly bored.

“I've got two sons who are like oil and water,” Dan shakes his head in disappointment.
