Page 53 of The Last Fire

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“We were talking about some cool photos that Becca got for the school album,” Manasseh interrupts, as if he read my mind, and his response catches my attention.

“What photos?”

“Wanna see them too?” he smirks, and I can't quite figure out his game. Meanwhile, Rebecca starts fidgeting with her hair, a sure sign of her being tense.

Something's bothering her. What could it be?

„Photos... of the school,” Rebecca chimes in, sounding a bit panicked.

“Actually, Becca told me she's treating me to a drink after class as an apology for my shoulder dislocation, courtesy of her,” Manasseh says arrogantly, and my fists clench tightly.

I want to smack him, especially when I notice his hand gripping Rebecca's neck.

“Don't touch her like that!” I force myself to stay put, staring at the ground, clenching my fists to resist the urge to punch him square in the face. “And I bet you hurt yourself because you're such a massive idiot, not because of Rebecca.”

A surge of blood rushes to my head as she starts laughing at something he said.

“That’s right. He’s hurt because of me!”

Masse's smirk carries a hint of triumph as he brushes her hair over her shoulder.

Why is he touching her? No, scratch that. The real question is, why does Rebecca let him touch her? Frustration churns within me, rendering my body numb.

“Anyways, what were you doing at our place so late?” I manage to force the question past the knot in my throat, my eyes fixed on her, desperate for answers.

“She came to borrow my chemistry project from last year, and I warned her that the teacher would catch her if she copied it.”

“But you're shit at chemistry,” I remark, my frown deepening as his touch persists.

“I'm even worse!” she hurriedly retorts, pulling away from his grasp, seemingly aware of my discomfort.

Why do you insist on being against me, Rebecca? What's going on with you? I wonder, my gaze piercing into her, causing her cheeks to flush as she takes a step away from Manasseh.

I despise these moments when Rebecca and I are out of sync. Today, I see them standing side by side - well, theoretically, since Masse is a head taller than her but not as tall as me - and I can't suppress the disgust welling up inside me, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

What is this horrible feeling?

I feel betrayed.

“What's with this interrogation, bro? Are you jealous? I thought you hated women.”

“Cut the bullshit.”

“You think there's something between me and Becca?” Masse laughs and leans into Rebecca's shoulder.

Now we're really shoulder to shoulder.

What's going on? Are they teaming up against me?

“I don't care.” I pull my hood over my head and turn away. “Don't invite her to our place anymore.” I start walking towards the main alley.

“Who's stopping me?”

“Me” I turn back, intrigued. “I’m stopping you”

“And what if she wants to come?” he arrogantly retorts, tilting his head to the side, and when Masse looks at Rebecca so closely, I can't help but notice her unease.

“I won't come anymore!” She looks me in the eyes, and I feel like I've made her hate me even more. “I promise,” she chokes out before running away.
