Page 35 of Treasuring Michael

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I rush up the stairs, not bothering with the elevator, excited to tell him about my day. Bursting through the door, I find Michael in the living room, a tablet in his hand. He immediately tosses it on the couch next to him and meets me halfway. He opens his arms and I rush into them, hugging him tight.

Michael kisses my hair, whispering, “How did it go?”

After taking a deep inhale of his intoxicating scent, I answer. “Really good. They … I think they liked what I had to say. They listened and I saw some people taking notes. Notes, Michael! Because I was speaking to them.” I pull a hand from behind him and rub over one of my braids. “I just … it’s never happened to me before.”

“Is this a good time to say I told you so?” he asks with a grin, and I playfully slap his arm. “Come on. Let’s go out for dinner. You can wear one of your outfits.”

That threatens to deflate me. “In public? I don’t know, Michael.”

“It’s okay if you don’t. We can still go out. To celebrate your first day.”

Blowing out a breath, I nod. “Yes, that works. Thank you.”

Stepping past him, I let out a soft yelp when Michael’s hand connects with my butt. I don’t think I’ll get tired of that. Someone wanting to touch me like that because they can’t keep their hands off me is … arousing.

I shower, making sure to keep my hair dry with a shower cap. I’ll take it out tomorrow or the day after so I can show Michael how to do it. That makes me smile. It’s only been a few days, but Michael is making me think of the future. He said he could help me leave, help me get away from my crappy family, and I want that.

I’m afraid that if I do claim it, though, something will happen, and I’ll be stuck. My mother died when we were supposed to be a big, happy family. She brought in the demons that have terrorized my life. I don’t blame her because she didn’t know. That’s the first thing that went wrong since James, Fallon, and Conrad came into my life. Then when I finally got fed up with all the abuse, I was going to ask Abel to help me leave. Then he “died.”

I’m afraid to let myself hope.

So maybe I should just enjoy the time we have. But I want more. So much more.

Stepping out of the shower, I resolve to at least try to have what I want during the two weeks we’ll be here. Brenda told me, with the way I have the training schedule lined up, it would only take two weeks to get things off the ground. So, I have fourteen days to take and get what I can from this experience. From Michael.

When I walk into the room, a pair of beautiful black lace panties are laid out beside the clothes I set out for myself. Sighing, I sit down on the bed, and pick up the panties, bringing them to my chest.

Yeah, I’ll do what I want while I’m here. Starting with wearing the clothes I want to wear.

After I get dressed in a pair of black leggings and a loose, cropped t-shirt, I take a deep breath and walk into the living room, feeling a boost of confidence from the lace hugging my body under my clothes. Michael is dressed in a pair of dark jeans and gray shirt that nearly match the color of his eyes. When he sees me, his eyes grow wide, and he whistles.

“Fuck. Damon, you look fucking amazing.”

“Yeah?” I ask shyly.

“Fuck yeah. I really like how comfortable you look. Relaxed.”

Ifeelrelaxed. I feel like I want to be seen and Michael sees me.

“We’re wasting money on ride shares,” Michael comments when we get inside the car he called for us. “I’m going to call Quin to have a rental waiting for us in the morning. That way, I can take you to work.”

My cheeks hurt from the smile on my face and I nod. It would feel like a relationship if Michael took me to work every day. When this job is done and I go back home, I’ll probably never know what that feels like, so I’m taking it now.

When we get to the restaurant—a cute family-owned burger place I picked out—I’m starved. We order quickly, then hand the menus back to our server.

All alone, I can only look at Michael, staring at this fine man across from me. I’m still not sure what I did to have this man notice me, but I’m glad I did.

“What are you thinking?” I ask, wondering why he’s looking at me the way he is. The heat in his eyes almost sets me on fire.

He licks his lips, then leans closer to me. “I can’t tell. I might scare you.”

Now I’m intrigued. “Why not?” I ask, moving close too.

“Can I ask you a personal question first?” I dip my chin. “Are you a virgin?”

My cheeks flush, but I answer. “Yes. You’ve been my first … everything so far.”

“That’s why I can’t tell you.”
