Page 78 of Treasuring Michael

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Stepping outside, I see Quin on the grill, Savage playing fetch with Pogo, and Michael sitting at the table, holding something I can’t see.

When his eyes meet mine, he smiles and inclines his head for me to have a seat across from him. I look at Abel and he grins, pushing me forward.

Taking the seat, I try to see what Michael is holding, but he hides it from me. Jerk.

“You know I love you, right?” he asks and I nod, feeling my face heat as I smile like a fool. “I’ve wanted you to be with me for years and I still can’t believe you’re here now. I want you forever. I want us to grow old together. I want my future to be with you.”

I feel tears brimming in my eyes and I nod, wanting the exact same thing as Michael. If there’s one thing I want more than anything, it’s a life with him. A life with my family. A life here, in Canada.

“Since it’s your birthday, I felt it was only fitting that I give you what you asked Abel about all those years ago.” I feel my eyebrows scrunch, but I’m not confused for long. From under the table, Michael pulls out a sleeping lab puppy, the chocolate coat gleaming in the afternoon light.

I gasp, reaching my hands out immediately. Smiling, Michael hands him over, where I pull him in, tucking him under my neck. The puppy’s soft fur tickles my neck and I give him a gentle squeeze. “Michael … how did you keep him a secret?”

Abel pipes up. “The puppy was here. That’s why I’ve been keeping you away the past few days. Sorry,” he says in a tone that suggests he’s not sorry at all. I look at him over my shoulder and he winks.

The puppy slowly comes awake, then starts to move around quickly, it’s hyper energy making me laugh. I turn him on his back, rubbing his belly. Then I spot the ring attached to his collar.

With shaky hands I grab the collar, working the ring off. I look up to see Michael beside me, down on one knee. I burst into tears, hugging the puppy to my chest as Michael gently removes the ring from my fingers.

“I’ve wanted to ask you to be my husband since I laid eyes on you at the ball. I knew from the first time I saw you I wanted to be with you forever. Every day I wake up and see you in my arms, I thank your mom for sending you the signs that led you to me.” He slides the ring on my finger and kisses it, meeting my eyes. “Damon Reed, would you do me the honor of being my husband? Making me the happiest man alive?”

Through my sniffling and heavy tears, I nod, swallowing several times before I say, “I would love to be your husband.”

Michael takes my face into his hands and kisses me deeply. I put one of my hands over his, since I’m holding the hyper puppy with the other.

When we separate, our family comes over, giving us hugs and congratulating us. I smile through my tears, still not believing this is my life.

I can vividly remember the days where I was talked down to, beaten, abused and used, not able to even imagine being this happy, my heart being this full. But here I am, with the love of my life, my best friends, my family and a new puppy.

Life is good. Life is exactly as it should be.

I have my happily ever after.

