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"Trust us, Celestia. Doesn't matter how long we have to wait. We love you," Caio whispered.

"And we'll always love all of you, the good and the bad. The flawed and the flawless. Once we love, we give it our all, and we know you'd do the same for us," Cairus assured.

"Thank you. Both of you. I love you, Caio and Cairus. I promise the wait will be worth it."

I decided what their reward would be, and I couldn't deny the hint of excitement that ran through me.

Dark Warning and My Sweet Hunter

"He's most likely taking a walk," Cairus announced.

I glanced around the green forest and nodded. "I think I can find him from here."

"You sure?" Cairus asked.

I turned to face him and nodded happily. "Yes."

"Coffee sure cheers you up."

"I needed a cup so bad. Mom has decaf." I groaned and placed my hand on my forehead for a dramatic effect.

He chuckled and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him."It's not that bad."

"It's disgusting," I argued and closed the distance between us with a kiss.

"Mhm...I've missed kissing you."

"I kissed you two hours ago."

"Not enough." His lips brushed mine before he lowered them to my neck. I moaned quietly as he kissed the nape of my neck tenderly, transitioning from soft quick kisses to hot open-mouthed ones, the last kiss ended with a love bite.

"Cairus, you're distracting me," I mumbled trying to sound upset, but my low voice was needy.

"Oops," he replied, but I knew he didn't feel a hint of guilt. He kissed me one last time on the lips, allowing the moment to linger before he released me.

"As Finn would say, go get your man back, Dearest!" Cairus cheered.

I giggled. "Finn would not call me Dearest." I leaned in to suck firmly on his neck, prompting a low moan from his lips.

With a final peck on the now red spot on the side of his neck, I raised my gaze to his, and he gave me a wide grin. I shot him a confident smile in return, loving how much he believed in me. "I'll be fine. I want to spend the day with Hunter, so you can go back and rest."

He nodded and lifted his hand to stroke my long locks. "Just be careful and remind Hunter that he'll never lose you or any of us. We'll never abandon him."

"I will. Thanks, Cairus. I love you."

"I love you more, Dearest."

He gave me a kiss on the nose and turned around to walk away. In seconds, he was in his snow tiger form and dashed off in a full sprint.

I waited until he was gone from my sight beforetaking a quick check of my outfit: orange tank top with black shorts and running shoes.Jeez, I look more like a jogger than anything. Especially with my hair up in a ponytail.

I stared into the deeper part of the forest that was ahead of me.

Time to find Hunter.

* * *

Step after step, I journeyed deeper into the forest.Where could my Hunter be?
