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Ellie felt something soft and warm placed on her thighs and then Finn took her hands and placed them on the object.

‘Can I open my eyes?’

‘Of course.’

She opened them slowly and looked down and gasped, because there in her lap was a tiny, fluffy grey kitten. ‘Oh my goodness, Finn! Is this baby for me?’

‘Yes! And wait for it…’ He reached into the box and brought out another kitten, this one was black and white, and placed it next to the other one. The kittens meowed as they looked around and Ellie thought she would melt with emotion. ‘They’re rescue kittens from the local cat sanctuary. They were brought in by an elderly gent who found them under a bridge with their poorly mother. The mother is fine now and has been rehomed but there were six kittens all in need of adoption. I know how much you’ve always wanted to have cats and so when I heard about these from a client in the village, I had to go and enquire.’

‘Finn… they’re precious. But I don’t have a litter tray or kitten food and—’ She stopped talking because Finn was smiling.

‘I’ve got it all in the van ready. I’ll go and get it now. I couldn’t leave these two in that box for long but I do have a proper cat carrier in the van too.’

‘Thank you so much.’

Finn sat down next to her and took her hand. ‘I love you, Ellie, and I know we’re a bit past having children at our age but it doesn’t mean we can’t adopt as many cats, and perhaps dogs, as you want. We can have fur babies even if we can’t have real babies.’

‘I don’t need babies, Finn, when I have you.’

‘And these two. Any idea what we can name them?’

Ellie looked at the bundles of fur in her lap and smiled. ‘Are they male or female?’

‘Both male.’

‘How about… Cats—anova and Purr—nest Hemingway, but Purrnest for short?’

‘Love it!’ He grinned.

‘So I guess this evening we’re going to be snuggling up on the sofa all four of us?’ Ellie asked.

‘I guess so.’

‘Finn…’ Ellie sniffed as emotion welled inside. ‘I’m so happy. I mean… when I came back to the village I had no idea that this lay ahead for me.’

‘I’m incredibly grateful that you came back. I love you, Ellie, and I’m over the moon to have you in my life. At last!’

He leant forwards and kissed her and the kittens both meowed, making them laugh.

‘I love you too, Finn, and I love our beautiful cat-babies.’

While Finn went out to the van to get the things he’d bought for the cats, Ellie sat back on the sofa and stroked them, enjoying the feel of their soft fur and the warmth of them on her lap. She hoped they’d get on well with her frequent visitors Willy and Cleo but suspected they would and that the older cats would help nurture the kittens.

Back at the start of September she’d had no idea what was about to unfold but she couldn’t be happier. Her autumn dreams on Sunflower Street really had come true.

The End
