Page 10 of One Good Move

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“Are you working already? You literally just got here. You can ease into it, you know,” she grins. “You take your jobveryseriously.”

“Yes. I take my job atyourfamily business very seriously,” I tell her with a laugh. I know I’ve got it good working here at The Seaside. Michael Bennett is a dream boss. He pays me more than generously, gifts me a hefty bonus every Christmas and treats me with the utmost respect.

“Okay, fine,” Jules sighs. “But before I go, how is your grandma doing?”

“Pretty good, I think. I checked on her this morning, but I had to talk to a nurse because she wasn’t in her room. She was outside taking an archery class.” I shrug. “That’s a good sign, right?”

“I don’t know,” Jules says, eyebrows raised. “I mean, is it smart to offer sharp, pointy weapons to seniors?”

“Yeah, you would think a painting class might be a safer option,” I agree. “Not a lot can go wrong there.”

“Well,” Jules begins, sitting up straighter in her chair. “Unless it’s one of those naked model art classes where the guy drops the towel and you have to paint his wiener. That could go sideways fast.”

I laugh, shaking my head at her. “Great. Now I’m picturing my grandmother staring at some dude’s wiener. Thanks for the visual, Jules.”

“You’re welcome! I need to run, but I wanna pop by your new house soon. How’s it going anyways? Is it a little weird living at your grandma’s?”

Living at my grandma’s house isn’t weird. Living next door to the guy I had desk sex with is a bit strange, though.

“So far, so good,” I say with a smile, leaving out any mention of Grayson or the fact that I barely got any sleep last night after seeing him again.

“Good. Just let me know when you’re free,” Jules says with one foot out the door. “I need to take you out for a proper welcome back to Reed Point.”

She blows me a kiss and then disappears down the hall.

* * *

My phone ringsas I’m walking outside to grab lunch and when I fish it out of my purse, I’m not surprised to see Jake’s name on the screen.

I debate sending him to voicemail. I’ve been back in Reed Point for less than 36 hours and my brother is already falling back into his old ways—in other words, he’s smothering me. He took me out for dinner last night, called me first thing this morning to make sure I didn’t need anything and now he’s doing his lunchtime check-in.Jesus Lord,he’s too much.

But I know he means well, so I answer his call.

“Hey Jake,” I say as I dash across the street. “What’s up?”

“Hey Si! How’s your first day at the new office going?”

“It’s going fine. You don’t need to worry. I’ve worked for this company for over four years. I’m just doing it in a different state now.”

“I know,” he says, sounding distracted. “I’m actually not calling about that. I’m calling to invite you to my house tonight for a cookout. A couple of the guys are coming over and Holden is bringing his girlfriend, Aubrey. She’s around your age, I think you’d like her.”

Itdoessound like fun. I’m a social butterfly by nature and I’ve already been missing the circle of friends I left behind in Virginia Beach. But if Jake’s having people over, that probably means Grayson will be there, and that could be awkward. Damn him. His piercing dark eyes. His cocky smile. His perfect athletic build. If Grayson wasn’t so damn gorgeous, this would be a hell of a lot easier. Damn him again.

It’s best that I avoid him. At least until I can figure out a way to be around him without getting goosebumps.

“Sounds nice, Jake. But I think I’ll have to take a rain check.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure,” I say, stepping inside the café that Jules had recommended to grab lunch. “It’s been a busy week, and I still have some unpacking to do.”

“Okay. But if you change your mind, the offer still stands.”

“Thanks, Jake. I appreciate it.” I end the call, then order a clubhouse and take a seat by the window. And try not to think about my handsome new neighbor.

* * *

It’sthe middle of the night, but I’m wide awake. Unfortunately, insomnia is something I’ve gotten used to.
