Page 3 of One Good Move

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I ease out slowly, then rock back into her, our bodies sticky with sweat. I do it again, over and over, my hands firmly planted on either side of her on the desk, finding that perfect pace as I whisper filthy things into her ear. The pressure builds at the base of my spine, so intense that every muscle in my body is beginning to tremble.

My body vibrates as she tightens around my dick and cries out my name. I see stars as my own orgasm crashes through me, my cock pressed deep inside of her, her channel pulsing around my length.

“Fuck, Sierra,” I curse, my face buried in her neck. My body trembles as I spill inside of her, my chest heaving against hers.

I am wrecked.

Sierra opens her eyes, looking sex-drunk and sated. A small smile tips the corners of her lips and I kiss her, her body still connected to mine.

That was the best sex of my life. I can’t help but wonder what it would be like if we fucked in my bedroom for hours instead of flat against a desk.

Everything in me wants to know.

She breaks the kiss. “Grayson,” she whispers. “I’m—”

She stops, clears her throat. She seems nervous now, her expression is hard to read.

I make no move to let her go until she begins to untangle herself from me. I watch her bend down and pick up her clothes, quickly slipping on her panties, her bra, then her dress.

Sierra has thrown on her clothes like the place is on fire. My heart gallops as I get dressed, fumbling with the button on my pants and hopping into my shoes. I catch her by her arm before she has the chance to leave. “Sierra, wait. We should—”

She tenses. “I have to go.”

“No, you don’t.” I face her, taking her hand in mine. “You’re not leaving until we talk.” Her hair is tousled, her cheeks flush and her soft pink lips are slightly swollen from my kisses. Fuck, that is hot. “Look, if I—”

“It’s not you, it’s me, Grayson.”Oh, fuck that.That bullshit isn’t going to fly with me.

“That was reckless,” she says, finally stopping to look at me. “We didn’t even use a condom.”

Shit.“Are you—?”

“I’m on the pill. And it’s been months since I’ve been with anyone. I’m good.”

I blow out a breath. She’s right. What the fuck was I thinking?

“I’m clean too,” I reassure her. “Listen, I didn’t expect things to go that far. I had a great time with you tonight and—”

She tugs her hand out of mine, then straightens the strap of her dress on her shoulder.

“I had a good time too, but that’s all this was, Grayson. A good time.Onetime. Nothing more. Understand?”

“Fuck, Sierra.” Her eyes seem to look everywhere in the room except at me. “I’m not asking you to get married and have my babies, but I’m not letting you just storm out of here without talking to me.”

The tension between us is practically buzzing. It feels like whiplash, going from what we just did on the desk behind me to… this. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly a stranger to random hookups. But tonight with Sierra somehow felt different. For starters, I’ve never been this fucking turned on by anyone. I’ve never let myself get so worked up over a woman I barely know.

“Look, if you want to just leave here and not make this a thing… I get it,” I tell her. “Even though I really wish that wasn’t the case. But at least let me walk you to your room.”

Her expression remains guarded, but she finally gives me a small nod. “Fine.”

I’m confused as hell, but I’m not going to push her. We slip out of the room and back into the hallway, crossing the nearly-empty lobby to the elevator. We stand together in silence, waiting for the elevator doors to open. I glance at Sierra, trying to read her, but she seems determined to avoid eye contact.

When we reach her door, she stops to dig her key card out of her purse. She opens the door, then pauses and finally looks up at me. “Bye, Grayson. I…” she stops, seeming unsure. “Thanks for a really fun night,” she says with a smile.

“I had a great time too.”

I lean in and press a kiss to her cheek, and she gives me a small wave before disappearing into her room.

A few minutes later, I’m in my own hotel room, alone, thinking about Sierra. This isn’t how I wanted the weekend to end. I had fun with her. For the first time in years, I actually wanted a second date. And now what? I’m supposed to leave Miami pretending I couldn’t care less if I ever see her again? I kick myself when I realize I didn’t even get her number. I tug my shirt off and toss it on the chair and I’m heading for the shower when I hear a knock.
