Page 35 of One Good Move

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I don’t have the energy to argue with him about this, I have enough on my mind as it is. Things with Sierra are confusing as hell, the Blair drama at work needs to be resolved. And now my dad feels like he knows me well enough to start offering fatherly advice? We barely even talk, so I’m not sure why he’s so convinced he knows what I need in my life. Sure, I’m interested in Sierra, but getting into a full-blown relationship hasn’t been on my radar for a very long time. My dad has no clue what I need.

I scrub my hand over the back of my neck with a heavy sigh, willing this conversation to end. Apparently, my dad misses my telepathic memo.

“Listen, Grayson—” he says, trying again.

I quickly cut him off. He hasn’t earned the right to put his two cents in when it comes to my happiness and how I choose to live my life. “I need to get back to work. Say hi to mom. I’ll let myself out when I’m done.”

He just nods, frowning slightly, then he slips on his reading glasses and starts flipping through a stack of invoices on his desk. I’m relieved this conversation is over, but as I walk back to the car lift, I can’t seem to quiet the tiny voice in my head that wonders if my dad is right.

Maybe Idoneed Sierra.

But I can’t have her.



Morgan Wallen sings “Cover Me Up”through the speaker in my kitchen as I strip the hardware from the kitchen cabinets. The brass pulls were on trend in 1960, therefor they have to go. Once I get the handles off, my plan is to paint the cabinets white, then switch out the pulls for black ones. Then I need to change out the countertop. If my career at The Seaside doesn’t work out, I’m sure I could get a job in home renovations at this point.

Earlier in the day, I had visited Gran at her nursing home. I found her in the common room playing cards, and she made me wait while she won three more hands before we could finally go outside for a walk around the grounds. When I suggested she put on a sweater she threatened to put me on her not approved visitors list if I didn’t stop bossing her around.

“Do it and I’ll stop sneaking in Kit Kat bars for you,” I replied. That shut her up real quick.

With that settled, we found a bench in the shade where we sat while Gran updated me on the nursing home gossip. Her neighbor John refuses to accept the fact that his hearing is going, so he turns his TV volume up so high that she can hear every word through the wall. Her favorite nurse, Isabel, the one who washes and blow-dries her hair on Fridays, has a new boyfriend who she talks about constantly.

“But just between us,” Gran told me, lowering her voice a bit. “I’m just not sure it’s going to last.”

Once I was all caught up on the lives of Gran’s neighbors and nurses, she turned her attention tomynew neighbors at Haven Harbor. She seemed very curious to know how I was getting along with Grayson, Tucker and Holden.

“Are those boys looking out for you?” she asked, a concerned expression on her face. Once I had assured her that they’d been very welcoming—I tried to will myself not to blush when I thought of just howwelcomingGrayson has been—she smiled and gave my hand a squeeze.

“So then,” she said with a glint in her eyes. “Which one do you think is the cutest?”

Grayson, obviously.But there was no way I was going to admit to that, no matter how much she pressed. And she did press. Gran had a ton of questions about the guys. It was clear that she missed them, which gave me the idea to have her over for dinner and invite the three guys, and of course Jake too. Her face lit up when I suggested it and before I left, I promised her I would put plans in place for the evening very soon.

I’m still singing along to the radio in my kitchen when my phone chimes on the counter. I set down my screwdriver and check the screen.

Grayson: Need a hand over there?

I smile. I haven’t seen him since we kissed on my front porch a week ago, but we’ve texted here and there. We’ve both steered clear of the big topics—that kiss, where that kiss could have led, the many ways my brother would torture Gray if he found out about it—and instead kept things light and easy.

It’s been exactly what I’ve needed. A little space to give me time to think, but enough contact to reassure me that things between us are okay.

Sierra: You bored, Gray?

Grayson: That obvious?

I smile, shaking my head.

Sierra: I’m replacing knobs on the kitchen cabinets, so if you’re looking for something to cure your boredom, I’m not much help.

Grayson: If you’re wearing those cut-off shorts, I wouldn’t be bored.

I shake my head and smile some more.

Sierra: I hate to disappoint but I’m not wearing my jean shorts.

Grayson: Tell me what you’re wearing. (purple devil emoji)
