Page 46 of One Good Move

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“You gonna come for me, sunshine?” I’m spiraling. I’m so close to that feeling we’re both chasing, teetering on the edge, trying to hold on, but I need to get her there first. I reach up and lightly grip her neck, my hand putting pressure on her throat as she’s quivering in pleasure, euphoria. I tighten my hold around her neck and with one more rock of my hips, she’s coming undone, lips parted, cheeks flush. It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I feel her body clench around me, and I can’t hold off a second longer before I’m exploding into her, my world rocked. I let go of her neck then crash my lips to hers in a hungry kiss, so fucking overcome with emotion for this girl.

Breathless, we both collapse on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, until I haul Sierra overtop of me, lifeless and out of breath.

“I love it when you’re bossy with me,” she teases.

I laugh. “I know. And I love being the one to boss you around in bed. I can’t wait to do that again,” I say out of breath, pushing the strands of hair from her face so I can see her pretty eyes.

She looks up at me from where her head is lying against my chest, one brow raised. “Me too.”

We both smile and then she buries her head back on my chest as I stroke my fingertips down the length of her arm. We lie like that for a while, time ticking slowly by. Eventually, I stir, dragging myself out of her bed and then scooping Sierra up in my arms.

“Where are you taking me?” she squeals, wrapping her arms around my neck.

“What? You all of a sudden don’t trust me?”

She rolls her eyes. “I think I just proved that I trust you.”

I let her down once we’re in her bathroom, where I start a hot shower and pull her under the spray with me, my hands all over her. Eventually, we towel off and while Sierra is getting dressed, I order us take-out.

I meet her in the kitchen, where she pours me a glass of water. “I ordered us Thai,” I tell her. “I hope that’s okay?”

A sweet smile paints her face. “It’s more than okay, Grayson. Thank you.”

An hour later, full, and happy, I clear the empty containers away and then guide Sierra into the living room with me. I pull her onto the couch between my legs, leaning back so that she’s resting her back against my chest. She sighs, sinking into me as I trail a finger up and down her bare arm.

My mind wanders to Jake. He’s one of my best friends. He’s talked me through some really tough times with my dad, never judging me or my family. It doesn’t sit well with me that I’m sneaking around with his little sister. I really don’t want to push Sierra on this, but I can’t ignore the sinking feeling that the longer we keep this from Jake, the worse the fallout will be.

As if she can hear my inner dialogue, Sierra shifts in my arms to look at me, a crease between her brows as if she’s worried about something too.

“Hey, what’s up? You might as well tell me so I don’t have to sit here and try to guess. I’m a man. I’ll guess the wrong thing every single time.”

Sierra laughs. “You make an excellent point,” she says, untangling her body from mine and pulling herself up to sit cross-legged on the couch beside me. “Just nervous about how my brother will take the news when he finds out,” she admits, an anxious look in her eyes.

“I know,” I tell her. “But we’ll worry about that when we need to. For now, you can pick my place or yours, but we’re sleeping together tonight. And don’t even think about arguing with me. It’s not a question, Sierra, it’s a demand.”

She smiles and nods in agreement as she takes my hand in hers, but I can see she’s still spinning thoughts around in her head.

“It’s just… I hate change and everything is changing,” she tells me.

“Change can make things better,” I say gently, kissing the top of her hair. “Just promise me you won’t have a change of heart in the morning.”

Sierra peers at me from beneath thick lashes, then leans in for a kiss. “I’m staying, Grayson. I’m not going anywhere.”




For all of our worrying about talking to Jake, we’ve yet to actually do it. Sierra and I are still sneaking around, keeping our relationship a secret from her brother.

We’ve spent every night together, either at her house or at mine, and every morning I wake her up with my hard-on pressed against her ass, followed by a morning round and a cup of her favorite peppermint tea after we’ve showered. Together. Because I can’t seem to get enough of Sierra Matthews. Ever.

It's not just the mind-blowing sex that has me hooked on her. Every minute I spend with Sierra leaves me grinning like an idiot. We spent one night painting her kitchen cupboards, then ordered in pizza and ate on her back patio, her head against my chest as we watched the stars slowly paint the sky. Another night she came home with a basket full of apples she had picked from a farm just outside of Reed Point, her cheeks flush with excitement as she told me she was about to make me the best pie I’ve ever tasted. I sat at the counter chopping apples while she rolled out the pie crust she’d made from scratch, draping it over the pie dish so perfectly that it was like watching one of those cooking shows on TV.

And she was right about it being the most delicious pie I’ve ever had. The girl can bake. Add that to her many talents. It was un-fucking-believable, so good that I brought a slice to work with me the next day for lunch. I had to lie to Beckett when he asked me where I bought it. I’m fucked if he actually goes to The Dockside and tries to order a damn slice.

Tonight is the first night in a week that Sierra and I aren’t having dinner together. Instead, I’m sitting at a bar table at Cocina Caliente with Jake, Holden, and Tucker. We’re eating tacos, drinking Coronas, and shooting the shit, but I’d rather be on the couch watching a movie with Sierra.

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