Page 6 of One Good Move

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I sigh. Iwashappy. I had a cute apartment not far from the beach, a good job, a few really good friends. On the upside, I was able to transfer my position in the hotel chain I work for to their Reed Point office so at least I’m not out of a job. I’m also now closer to Jake and back in the same zip code as one of my closest friends, Jules. She also works for the Seaside hotel chain—her dad actually owns the company. Jules has earned her position as head of the marketing department, though. She’s creative and hard-working and is a big part of why the chain of boutique hotels is a success.

“I was happy there, but I’m happy to be back home too,” I say, meaning it. Moving to Virginia Beach was something I needed to do after college. I had to move far enough away to slip out from underneath my big brother’s wing and learn how to live on my own. It was a fresh start in a new city where everything didn’t remind me of that awful day all those years ago. And it worked. I became a more confident and independent version of myself. Eventually, the nightmares even stopped. But I missed my brother and my grandma a lot. They’re the only family I have left.

“You’re really going to need to de-clutter this place, unless macramé and owls are your thing,” Jake says, looking around Gran’s living room. My grandma is obsessed with owls. Ever since we were kids, every time my brother or I saw an owl knick-knack, we insisted on getting it for her. She saved them all, of course, so her home looks like an owl sanctuary at this point and I guess it’s our fault.

Now this place is my new home-sweet-home. Moving Gran into an assisted living facility made me realize that time did not stand still when I was away. I had been apart from my family for long enough. So when Jake suggested I move into her small split-level home, it was like the universe had heard my thoughts.

I shake my head. “Gran’s been moved out for less than 24 hours and you’re already planning a yard sale?”

“Si, don’t you want this little guy to find a good and loving home?” Jake asks with mock sincerity, picking up a brightly painted owl bobblehead figurine from its perch on the coffee table.

I laugh. “I guess this place could use a refresh,” I say, tossing the year-old copy ofPeoplemagazine I’d been flipping through onto the couch. “I think first I’ll box up all of Gran’s tchotchkes and then I’m going to paint the walls. Maybe paint the kitchen cabinets too.”

“I’ll help. I can probably bribe the guys with beer and pizza.”

“That’s nice of you, but I’ll be fine,” I say gazing out the front window at my new view of the cove. It’s peaceful. “Got any plans today?”

Jake drains the last of his Diet Coke, then pushes up from the couch. “I’m going to check your dryer to make sure the vents are clear then I’m going to head out. I have somewhere I need to be.”

My heart stops in my chest for a moment, the way it always does when I think about the fire. I try to forget about it, moving on to a lighter, safer topic. “So secretive,” I tease. “Does she have a name?”

Jake just rolls his eyes. “How about I take you for dinner tonight? We can celebrate your first day back in Reed Point and catch up. My treat.”

“Only if it’s Cocina Caliente. I think I missed their chicken enchiladas more than I missed you.”

Jake cracks a smile, something I wish he would do a little more often. “I doubt that,” he says, pretending to scratch his nose with his middle finger.

He’s never been any good at talking about his feelings, but he’s sweet and supportive and I know without a doubt he would do anything for me. I also know that he’s absolutely terrified that he’s going to lose me too. Jake has been through a lot in his 28 years. He worked his ass off to take care of me when our parents died, never having less than two jobs from the time he was 16 years old. And then as Gran got older, he took on the responsibility of caring for her too. I may have left Reed Point to give myself some space to breathe, but I also wanted to give my brother a break from feeling like he has to take care of me too.

Jake checks his phone before turning and walking towards the door, where he stops. “If you need anything, my good buddy lives next door in the gray rancher and my other friends live in the house next to his, but you’re better to call me first. I’m here for anything you need, Si.”

Once he’s gone, I pick up the first box I see and carry it to the kitchen counter. I have a lot of work ahead of me, so I may as well get started. I smile as I look around the place. Gran wasn’t thrilled at the idea of moving out of this home, but she did seem relieved when we told her that I would be staying here. I promised her I would do my best to make the garden beautiful again. But first, there are a few updates needed inside as well. I love Gran to bits, but owl-themed placemats and pale pink cupboards aren’t really my style.

The sun streams in through the kitchen window from the backyard, casting a pretty pattern across the table. I’ll have my own garden, a view of the ocean from my bedroom window, neighbour’s a short walk away instead of on the other side of my bedroom wall.

It’s time to start the next chapter of my life.




Pulling up to my house with Morgan Wallen’s “Last Night” blasting through the car stereo, I turn down the volume when I notice a white SUV in the driveway at Millie’s. The driver’s side door is wide open and even though I can’t see who’s sitting in the car, Icansee a woman’s tanned, toned leg and the hem of a short skirt. I’m guessing it’s Millie’s granddaughter, and from what I can see, Tuck was right—she looks sexy as fuck.

I debate whether I should just head inside and start the barbecue for dinner or go over and introduce myself. I decide on the latter. It’s the neighborly thing to do, I tell myself, pushing my car door open and walking across the lawn in the direction of Millie’s place.

“Hey there,” I call out when I’m close enough for her to hear me.

The girl pops her head out of the side of the car and then stands, turning to fully face me. My eyes fall on her long blonde hair first, then down to her perfect pink lips. I lift my gaze to see her sliding a pair of large, black sunglasses to the top of her head.

And then her big brown eyes find mine and she freezes.

My breath catches in my throat. You’ve got to be kidding me. Is the universe fucking with me?

Miss Millie’s granddaughter isSierra?

TheSierra from that weekend in Miami. The one I didn’t tell a single soul about.

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