Page 60 of One Good Move

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Tonight we’re celebrating the last weekend of summer with a dock party and barbecue—and what’s a summer party without cupcakes? Luckily, the girls and I found just about everything we needed to make them in the cabin kitchen. What I couldn’t find, I was able to improvise.

Grabbing a cupcake, I squeeze the icing in a circle over the cupcake, round and round until the frosting looks like a rose.

“Youaregood at that.” Aubrey says from over my shoulder. “Have you taken a class or something?”

I can feel my brother’s eyes on me from across the room. He knows who taught me to bake. He also knows it’s my dream to open a bakery in memory of our mom.

“I’ve been baking since I was a kid. I’ve had lots of practice,” I say, giving Aubrey the easy answer.

My mom was a brilliant baker who taught me everything she knew. She made bread every Sunday and there was always freshly baked pie or cake when we had people over for dinner. At Christmas we would make sugar cookies, and Mom taught us to carefully roll out the dough and cut it into shapes. The four of us would watch episodes ofSurvivorwhile they baked, the heavenly smell filling the house. Icing the cookies was always my favorite part. It still is.

The days I baked with my mom in our kitchen are some of my fondest memories with her. I could always tell how happy she was when the two of us were together baking. I hope she knew I felt the same way too.

“Seriously, Sierra. If these things taste even half as good as they look you could sell them and make good money.”

“Umm, nope,” Jules says, swatting Aubrey’s arm with a kitchen towel. “We like her at The Seaside, and we’d like to keep her there, so shut your mouth.”

“Ow,” Aubrey rubs her arm with a mock scowl on her face. “Never mind. Forget what I said.”

I laugh at the two of them but stop when Grayson walks into the kitchen wearing nothing but swim trunks. He looks a little sleepy, but still gorgeous. His summer tan is the perfect golden brown.

He pours himself a cup of coffee before sitting down next to my brother at the kitchen table. He takes a sip, his eyes shooting up to meet mine.

A carousel of memories from last night flash through my mind: the feel of his hands skimming over my flesh, the labored sounds of his breath, his hand pressed over my mouth to muffle my moans.

Tucker follows seconds later, reaching around me to grab a handful of grapes from a bowl on the counter. “I trust you had a good night, Si,” he says, quietly, so that only I can hear him. I can feel my cheeks turn red and when I turn and see his cocky grin it’s clear he knows who was in my bed last night. He shakes his head, smiling like he knows something the rest of the room doesn’t.

The blush deepens when I notice Grayson focused on us, the devilish smile on his lips not quite covered by the rim of his coffee mug. He shakes his head at Tucker and his antics.

I tear my gaze away from Grayson just in time to see Tucker trying to grab a cupcake from the counter. I smack his hand away. “Not so fast, cupcake criminal.”

“It’s only one,” he pleads, pasting an innocent expression on his face.

“You’re like a five-year-old,” I tell him, pushing him away from the tray. “Maya behaves better than you and she’s only one. Now, back away from the cupcakes.”

“You heard the baker. Out of her kitchen,” Grayson pipes up. “Those cupcakes are really impressive, Sierra. You have mad skills.”

I’m embarrassed at how good his words make me feel, his compliment sending a rush of happiness through me. My love of baking is all tied up with memories of my mom, so Grayson’s kind words mean a lot to me.

Graysonmeans a lot to me.

I’m beginning to realize this is so much more than a crush, or even lust. This is something I’ve never felt before. Grayson makes me think about my future—a future I can see withhim. And that’s not something I’ve ever allowed myself to dream about.

It might be terrifying, but I need to admit to myself…

I’m falling love with Grayson Ford.


I’ve seenevery inch of Sierra’s body, so seeing her in a bikini should have zero effect on me. That’s what I told myself as we all got ready to head down to the beach. Turns out I was dead wrong.

She walks down to join us at the dock, and she looks fucking delicious, like every fantasy I’ve ever dreamed up in my pervy brain.

I have to bite my lip as I take her in. The fuchsia pink bikini has strings that are tied in bows at her hips and a triangle top that makes her tits look fantastic. God, she is a work of art. I want to drag her upstairs, pin her to the bed and devour her, leave marks on her skin that won’t disappear. Ever. Except, of course, I can’t touch her.

She watches me as my eyes follow the curves of her body, curves I’m dying to run my tongue over. I can’t tear my eyes away from her… until I remember her brother is sitting in the chair directly across from me. When I force my eyes off Sierra, I look in Jake’s direction to see he’s staring right at me with a look that says,get your eyes off my fucking sister. The smile I waswearing slips from my face.

Oh, shit.
