Page 67 of One Good Move

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“Actually, I love to bake almost anything,” Sierra answers. “But if you ask Grayson, he’d probably say my specialty are my pies.”

“Oh, so we are in luck,” Mom says with a smile on her face to match my own. I’m damn proud of all the incredible desserts Sierra makes, including the apple pie she made this morning to bring to dinner. “I can’t wait to try it.”

“Well, I hope you like it,” Sierra says, accepting the green beans my mom passes her.

“I can guarantee it will be the best apple pie you’ve ever had,” I insist, watching Sierra’s cheeks turn that perfect shade of pink that they do when she blushes.

“Are you from Reed Point?” Kyla asks.

“I’ve lived here since I was a kid, but I moved to Virginia Beach for four years for work. I actually just moved back into town recently.”

“Happy to be back?” Mom asks. “It’s so beautiful on Haven Harbour. It’s one of my favorite pockets of Reed Point.”

“Iamhappy to be back,” Sierra answers. “I have a brother that I’m very close to and a grandma who keeps me on my toes. It’s good to be closer to them.”

I notice a crease form between my mother’s brows and I’m pretty sure she’s wondering where Sierra’s parents are in all of this. I shoot her a look that saysdon’t ask, and thankfully she changes the subject.

“Are you still working for The Seaside?” Mom asks. “I’ve never met the Bennetts, but I’ve heard they are a lovely family.”

“I am. I love my job there and yes, they are honestly one of the kindest families you will ever meet. I consider myself very lucky to work for them.”

“I’ve actually dealt with one of the sons at my shop. I think his name was Parker if I’m remembering correctly. He seemed like a good guy,” my dad says, looking a little cautious at joining the conversation. It isn’t like him—he typically says exactly what’s on his mind whether it’s appropriate or not—and it throws me off a little.

“What about Miles Bennett?” Kyla jumps into the conversation. “It’s crazy that he’s from Reed Point. He is so gorgeous. Have you met him?”

Jules’s family is practically Reed Point royalty. She has three brothers: Parker, who also works for The Seaside, Liam who is a well-respected lawyer in town, and Miles, who is an A-list Hollywood actor. His face is regularly splashed across tabloid covers. But Jules insists that the stories about him are usually at least half made-up.

“I have met Miles,” Sierra says. “And he’s just as nice as you would hope. His wife Rylee is a sweetheart too.”

Kyla’s eyes are wide, and her mouth hangs open. Women go crazy over Miles Bennett and apparently my sister is no exception.

Kyla and Sierra talk for a little while longer, eventually moving from the topic of Miles Bennett to some show calledTemptation Islandthat they both watch. My sister asks her a million more questions because she’s nosey like that. I should jump in and save Sierra from the interrogation, but she seems to be handling it just fine on her own.

“So, son,” my dad says and my skin prickles. “How are things at the hotel?”

That’s the last thing I want to talk about tonight. Things were shit the last time I was at work. I go out of my way to avoid Blair, but it’s hard when we work together. I still haven’t filled Beckett in on our history. Looking back now, if I could undo that night I spent with Blair, I would. Then there’s that damn gala. There is no way I’m getting into all of that at the dinner table in front of Sierra. “Things are good. Business as usual,” I answer simply.

“I guess it must be interesting working for rival hotel companies,” my dad says, looking from me to Sierra. He’s trying, I’ll give him that, but it still feels weird having normal conversations when he knows next to nothing about my work or my life. My guard is up, like it has been since I was 15 years old. There have been too many times when my dad would relapse and turn everything to shit. Like when he stumbled into a parent-teacher meeting or when he fell asleep at the dinner table when I had friends over. It all took its toll on me, and eventually I decided I didn’t want to feel that way any longer. So I put as much distance between my dad and me as I could.

After dinner, Sierra’s pie is served and as expected, my family goes crazy over it. Sierra even offers to come over one day and go through the recipe with my mom. When we’re saying our goodbyes at the end of the night, my mom pulls me aside with a smile the size of the moon.

“She is amazing, Grayson. Thank you for bringing her here tonight. Your father and I were so happy to meet her.”

“Thanks, Mom,” I say, feeling a little awkward, but also happy that Sierra made such a good impression on her. I had no doubt that she would. “I like her a lot.”

“I know you do, sweetheart. It’s obvious. And it’s obvious she feels the same way about you.”

I smile as I watch Sierra give all three of them a hug goodbye. My dad seems genuinely happy, and for a minute I let myself think that maybe he’s finally changed. But I’ve been here before, and I remember what it feels like to be sorely disappointed.

But tonight went much better than I could have imagined, and I’m going to count that as a win.




We’ve all been looking forward to having Gran over for dinner. The guys have been particularly excited, which has been cute to see. Tucker even pulled me aside to make sure it’s okay if they play a few hands of poker when she’s here. I told her it’s fine by me as long as he doesn’t mind giving her his money.
