Page 69 of One Good Move

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I put Grayson to work, cautious to steer clear of him as we work together in the kitchen. Ten minutes later, Grayson has gotten everyone to take their seats and dinner is on the table. Grayson and I end up sitting beside each other, with Gran and Tucker across from us and Holden and Jake taking seats at each end of the table.

The conversation is easy and enjoyable, but it’s hard to miss the fact that Jake eats his dinner in almost complete silence. The longer it goes on, the more obvious the tension between us becomes.

He doesn’t say more than two words when I bring out dessert—a strawberry rhubarb pie that has always been his and Gran’s favorite. But Tucker, Grayson, Holden, and Gran make up for it when they go on and on about how delicious it is.

Once dinner is over and Gran needs to get back to the nursing home to make curfew, we all say our goodbyes.

“I’m so happy you could come tonight, Gran. Looks like you had fun obliterating the boys in poker,” I add with a laugh.

“They’re good sports,” she says, turning her attention to the boys. “One day I might let one of you win.”

The guys hug her goodbye at the door while Jake hops in his car. I hold Gran by the elbow and walk down the steps to the driveway. She pauses before we reach the car, turning to face me.

“He’s a keeper, Sierra. You found a good one.”

My jaw drops, and I’m pretty sure my heart bottoms out of my chest. Is Gran referring to Grayson? Were we really that obvious? I look down at my feet, trying to hide the shocked expression on my face.


“Don’t you bother trying to pretend there’s nothing going on with you two. You don’t have to hide it from me. I may be old, but I’m not blind,” she says, hooking a wrinkled finger under my chin until our eyes meet. “That boy loves you and you love him. I can feel it.”

I sigh. “It’s complicated.”

“Does this have something to do with Jake?” she asks. “Your brother only wants you to be happy, you know. I promise you, baby, he’ll understand.”

“I don’t think he will,” I sigh. “You know how overprotective he is with me. And he specifically told Grayson not to come near me.”

“That’s not his call to make. It’s okay to follow your heart, honey… and so what if he’s upset with you for a little while? Your brother will get over it. And if he needs a kick in the butt, then I’ll be the one to give it to him. Now, go tell your brother and stop hiding your feelings from the world. You deserve love, Sierra.”

I force a smile, then kiss her cheek. I wish it was that easy. Jake is a private person. He doesn’t just let anyone in, but he trusts Grayson. I would never want to come in between their friendship.

But I know Gran is right. I need to be honest with Jake, and I just have to have faith that he’ll understand.

No more hiding.

I’ll tell my brother tomorrow.

* * *

Jake drivesGran back to her nursing home while the guys and I finish cleaning up. Once the table has been cleared and most of the dishes are done, Holden and Tucker pack up the poker table and head home. Finally alone, Grayson and I flop onto the couch and flick on the TV. Sinking deeper into the cushions, I lift my legs into Grayson’s lap.

“So, Gran knows about us,” I announce as Gray flicks through channels.

He’s been massaging my foot with one hand, but he suddenly freezes, looking over at me. “She does? How?”

“She said she could see it in our eyes. She told me I picked a good one.”

Grayson smiles. “I always knew she was a smart woman. She knows a good catch when she sees one. The feeling is mutual, you know. I love Gran.”

“Pretty positive she loves you too,” I tell him, letting my eyes drift shut as he returns his attention to my tired feet.

“We need to tell your brother, sunshine,” Grayson says softly. “We need to tell him soon.”

My heart hurts from the pain in his voice; it’s the same pain that has been gnawing at me too. This secret feels heavier with each passing day.

“I know,” I sigh. “I’m going to tell him tomorrow. I just hope I’m not too late.”

“I hope so too. It felt like he was on edge tonight. Was it just me or did you catch that vibe too? It’s the first time I’ve seen him since the long weekend. If he was suspicious then, it only seems to have gotten worse since.”
