Page 78 of One Good Move

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“Can I give you my two cents?”

I shrug. “I feel like you’re going to whether I say yes or not.”

“I know what you’re doing—even if you might not realize it,” she says. “You feel bad because you lied to your brother about falling for his best friend. And now you’re punishing yourself by pushing Grayson away. I get it, but it’s stupid.”

I haven’t intentionally pushed him away. I’ve just been so overwhelmed and filled with guilt. I know I haven’t been myself, but I’ve been buried so deep, I haven’t really been noticing what has been going on around me. All I can think about is repairing my relationship with Jake.

“I don’t think that’s what—”

Jules shoots me a side-eye, cutting me off. “I get that you feel bad about hiding it from your brother, but is what you and Grayson did really that terrible? You followed your heart. Sometimes love is messy. But life goes on and one day you’re going to need to stop moping. And stop pushing away the guy you’re so obviously falling in love with.”

I take another sip of my coffee, using the moment to absorb everything she’s said.

“Besides, you must be missing all those orgasms.”

“Stop it.” I cover my entire face with the blanket.

“Admit it.”

I shake my head from side to side, my face still covered.

“What? You’re going to tell me you’re not? I saw your blissed out face at the cabin the morning after Grayson snuck into your room. You looked like you had the kind of sex that makes you grip the sheets.”

I peek with one eye out from behind the blanket. “You’re not going to give up, are you?”

She winks. “Nope. Not until you admit he is way better than that toy you keep in your drawer.”

I rip the blanket off my face entirely giving her a major dose of side-eye. “I don’t have a toy in my drawer.”

Another wink. “Okay, Si.”

“Jules,” I shake my head. “I’m not talking about this with you.”

“Prude,” she says with a mischievous smirk. “I have to pick up Maya from my Mom’s, but I’ll see you at work tomorrow. I’m taking you out for lunch, and you can’t say no to me. I’ll even promise not to order a lobster roll if that will make you happy.”

I smile—a real smile—for the first time in days as she gets up to leave.

“Thanks for the coffee… and the chat. You’re a good friend, Jules.”

“You’re welcome. I love you,” she says, pausing at the door she’s already swung open. “And you really are being stupid.” She gives me a grin as I watch her walk out the door.


Beckett isin my office first thing Monday morning with a concerned look on his face.

I had been going over a contract when he sat down in the chair across from me, but I set it aside and look across the desk at him. If the look on his face in any indication, he’s about to drop some news.

“Were you at the Travel Forward Gala on Saturday night with Blair?”

I sit up straighter in my chair. “Yeah, of course I was. Why?”

He gestures to my computer. “I’m assuming you haven’t seen the photo yet?”

“What photo?” I ask, but I already know. My suspicions are confirmed when I google my name. A photo pops up of Blair and I making me want to throw my computer against the wall. Blair has her hand on my shoulder and we both look like we’re having the time of our lives. I’m smiling directly at the camera while Blair’s gaze is ardently looking at me. From the photo you would almost think we are a couple in love, when in reality my skin was crawling from just having to stand next to her.

And then it gets worse. The caption underneath the photo reads,Grayson Ford and Blair Winters of The Liberty are couple goals.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I close the search window and push out of my chair, pacing towards the window. “You know, you’re partly to blame for this, Beck. Collins wasn’t even at the damn event!”
