Page 86 of One Good Move

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I rip it from his hand before he has time to stuff it in his mouth. “I willcrackyour arm in two if you steal another. Sierra baked these for Gran and her friends, not for you to sit here and inhale them.”

“Geez,” he mutters, frowning at Jake. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”

“I came downstairs in my underwear to you two clowns,” I grumble, looking between Tucker and Holden. “And then this guy shows up.” I glower at Jake. “For some reason you fuckwads think my kitchen is an all-you-can-eat buffet.”

Sierra giggles as she carefully places each muffin into a basket, out of Tuck’s reach. Gran has been raving to everyone at her nursing home about Sierra’s baking. She went so far as to bet the woman down the hall—who just happens to drive herupthe wall—that Sierra’s baking is better than her granddaughter’s. Sierra thinks it’s ridiculous, but she will do anything for the people she loves. Thus, this morning’s batch of muffins—which will demolish the competition, in my biased opinion.

I’m not sure why I was so surprised to see Tuck and Holden here when I came downstairs this morning to grab a cup of coffee. It’s not like it’s the first time they’ve been here uninvited, looking for food. It’s turned into a pretty regular routine on the weekend. They’re here all the fucking time.

It’s not that I don’t like their company—I do—but when you have a girlfriend as hot as Sierra, there’s no telling when and where I decide I need to strip her naked. And if it so happens that I want to bang her on my kitchen table on a Sunday morning, a little privacy would be nice.

Holden pours himself a cup of coffee then gives Sierra’s ponytail a tug as he returns to the table. “Sierra doesn’t mind feeding us. Do you, Si?”

“It’s not the point,” I sigh. “Maybe I would like to enjoy breakfast alone with my girlfriend.”

“Ahh, I get what you’re trying to say,” Tucker says, waggling his brows. “You and Sierra like to get it on in the morning.”

Jake’s face turns the shade of a tomato. “Tuck, I will rearrange your face if you say shit like that again.”

“Do you really think they’re not…” Tucker makes an obscene gesture with his hands —think finger-in-hole. “They’re in that honeymoon phase, when all you want to do is—"

“Fucking hell, man,” Jake seethes, pushing himself up from his chair, swatting a hand at Tuck’s head.

“What? I didn’tsayit. I mean I could have said it, because we all know they go at it like rabbits.” He rubs his head where Jake got him. “It was funny, though. Right?”

Sierra laughs while I shake my head, scrubbing my hand through my hair. Luckily, I threw on a pair of shorts before finding the guys sitting in my kitchen, but apart from that I’m shirtless, sockless and could use a shower.

“Not funny to Jake, apparently,” Holden murmurs under his breath, reaching for the bowl of fresh fruit that Sierra puts in front of them.

“Don’t keep feeding them,” I tell her, moving behind her to press a kiss to her neck. “You’re just encouraging them.”

“He doesn’t know what he’s talking about, Si. Keep it coming,” Holden says with a wink. “So, what are we doing today?”

“Wearen’t doing anything today,” I say as I pour milk into my coffee. “And don’t you have a girlfriend? Why aren’t you at her house eatingherfood?”

“Because she can’t bake like Sierra can,” he says. “No one can. Besides, she eats some weird shit for breakfast… chunks of avocado on toast and Kefir. I don’t even know what Kefir is.”

“Does anybody?” Jake mumbles.

“Holden, you can break in anytime and eat my treats.”

I wrap my arms around Sierra, pulling her back into my chest. “I’m the only guy in this room who gets to eat your treats,” I say, looking directly at Jake, not able to help myself. I like riling him up.

“Motherfucker,” Jake fumes as I tilt my head back in laughter.

Tucker pops a blueberry into his mouth. He shakes his head at me, clearly enjoying this exchange. “You’re a brave man saying shit like that.”

“Ignore Gray, that wasn’t a euphemism for anything,” Sierra says with a tilt of her head, eyes aimed at me. “I like having you guys here.”

“And I don’t,” I add.

Sierra presses a kiss to my temple, patting my bare chest. “He doesn’t mean it, boys,” she says. “Gray, be nice to our guests.”

“Yeah, Gray. Be a nice boy and pass me another muffin, will you?” Tuck says with a grin.

The room erupts in laughter. And even though it’s at my expense, I laugh along with them, because the four people in my kitchen right now are my family. They mean the world to me. And when you find the people who make your life better, you hang on to them with everything you have.

“You’ll miss me, Ford, if I stop bringing this pretty face over here for you to stare at,” Tuck says with a stupid grin.

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