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He is like a child with a toy that he won’t share with anyone else.

I try to fall asleep, but I cannot forget the exchange with Luocre in my bedroom.

After a while, I get out of bed and start to sort through my clothes and clean up the small room.

He is very clearly crazy. And if I like being around him, does that make me crazy, too?

I am still thinking about this as I finish cleaning up my small room. I had hoped that the cleaning would help me unwind and calm down enough to sleep.

There is no way that I am getting any sleep tonight,I think to myself exasperatedly.

That is when I hear the voices.

The voices are heated, and I recognize one of them as Rhiucra’s. The other voice is too low for me to identify.

What is Rhiucra doing on this side of the mansion?I ask myself. My curiosity wins, and I realize that I have to know who Rhiucra is arguing with.

I have only ever known him as soft, patient, and gentle. I have never heard him with a raised voice in the entire time I have been here.

I walk over to the door and quietly open it.

I tiptoe up the passageway until I turn a corner. I hide behind a large closet as Rhiucra and Luocre come into view.

Rhiucra is speaking so intensely that he practically spits in Luocre’s face.

There is no sign that the two of them have just met. There is no sign that they do not know each other.

In fact, the way they are together makes me think that they have known each other for years.

There is even a slight similarity in their body language and mannerisms. As if they have spent years looking at one another.

I close my eyes for a moment as I think about the fact that Rhiucra has insisted over and over that he doesn’t know Luocre.

He even went as far as to say that Luocre doesn’t exist.

What the fuck is going on here?I ask myself as I open my eyes and continue to follow the conversation as best as I can.

Rhiucra is furious. Anyone can see that just from looking at him. And while there is a dangerous glint in Luocre’s eyes, he leans casually against the wall as if he is having a pleasant conversation with someone.

I keep myself pressed against the closet and remain out of sight as I listen to their conversation.

The passageway is quiet, completely, eerily still, and even though Rhiucra is speaking relatively softly, because of the quiet, I can hear everything he is saying.

“I don’t even know why you came back! You know that no one wants you here! You’ve scared off half the servants and you’re going to scare Mother to death if you continue like this! We both know that you don’t care about this family!”

Rhiucra’s voice is almost venomous, and I have never seen him look like this before.

He is so angry that a vein is bulging in his neck. His large hands are balled into fists and a red glint shines in his eyes.

For a second, I can almost see how he could be attractive. The anger in him, the anger that makes him more masculine, is what I see in Luocre. That is what I like about Luocre.

“You’re right.” There is venom in Luocre’s voice, too. But it is quiet and almost unassuming, and when Rhiucra looks at Luocre defiantly, I cannot help but think that he is like a papilion, about to fly into the quiet trap belonging to a yillese.

“I don’t care. About any of you. But this is still my home. And unfortunately for you and Mother, I am entitled to come home.”

So Luocre is part of the family. I just don’t know how he is related to the Ilnais’. Why would Rhiucra keep him a secret? Why is he so ashamed of Luocre?

But the answer to my question is obvious. Luocre is terrifying. He frightens everybody around him, including me – even if I like it – and he seems determined to make the lives of those around him more difficult. Which is evidenced by this conversation.
