Page 109 of A Man's World

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I gave Edward and Lily my middle finger and then exited her driver’s room, returning back to my own room, still laughing at their prank. It had been a good one, and fortunately, they managed not to include my brother this time, lest we have another Singapore incident.

As Luca entered the room after me, he pulled me in closer, capturing my lips in a kiss. “So, why were you avoiding me on Friday?” I made sure to make my disdain known, hoping Luca got the hint that I was annoyed about him abandoning me Friday evening.

“Oh, Cara, don’t be upset with me,” Luca chuckled, giving me another kiss on the lips as he pulled me back into his lap. “What Matteo said was true. We were up so late working on the car that I crashed on Friday… I had to stay and help the team rebuild. I didn’t want to wake you, so I stayed with him. I know how focused you get before races, and I meant what I said – I’m not going to jeopardize this win for you.”

I smiled at Luca’s words, knowing a blush was creeping onto my face. We spent the next ten minutes chatting before Lizzie announced that the post-qualifying press conference would begin soon. As I made my way to the door, Luca grabbed my land one last time, pulling me into him.

“I know that was a prank, Amore, but I just wanted to let you know that someday, I can’t wait until it’s true.” Luca’s admission made my heart melt.Had Luca thought about our future together that deeply?

“Me too, Mon Amour, me too.”

* * *

Yesterday, after Edward had admitted that he had ‘let it slip’ that Luca and I were pregnant to the other drivers, I promptly texted them all to let them know what an ass Edward was. No one was surprised. Noah, apparently, was also in on the joke, which made his comments make considerably more sense. The majority of them had found it to be hilarious – although Eric and Otto made it quite known that they were quietly pleased it wasn’t true, the two of them implying that it was too early for Luca and me to have babies, especially before I “crushed the other drivers out of existence.” Otto definitely had a way with words.

Eric: Good luck today, Georgie. Whatever happens – I am so proud of you. You deserve this win.

Georgia: Thanks, Eric. Couldn’t have done it without your support!

Eric: Nah… this one’s all you, Georgie. All you.

I smiled at Eric’s texts. If things went well today, I would be crowned the first female F1 champion. Isabelle had called the entire team into the paddock early. Nothing was going to be left to chance. There was more than my driver’s championship on the line, more than the constructor’s championship.

As I piled into the conference room, which was now full of the entire Valkyrie garage staff, Isabelle stood up on the step stool that had been laid out for her.

“Good morning, everyone. I know I have called you all in here early, but I think we can all guess why.”Isabelle took a moment to pause as everyone chuckled, most of them turning to me. I had never felt awkward with the team before, but standing here now, I suddenly felt the pressure of the spotlight. The looks in their eyes showed the same desire, the same want that I felt. We were in this together – as a team, and yet, I recognized the huge role I had to play in this today. For fifty-eight laps, I had to drive better than Monaco, better than Silverstone.

I had to drive like I had a point to prove – like a Valkyrie.

“I just wanted to say, before we all disperse for the season, that it has been an honor to have you all on the Valkyrie F1 team. Even if the result isn’t what we want it to be, we have had a hell of a season, and regardless of what happens today, I am so incredibly proud of this season. Everyone thought we would be last in the constructor’s championship, and here we are, currently sitting in the top spot. We gave them hell, ladies, and for that – we should be proud.”

As Isabelle finished the speech, I felt a tear drop down my face. Lily turned to me, and I gave her my middle finger as she laughed and pointed at me, sticking her tongue out in return.

The time between the morning meeting and the race start felt like an eternity, but when Mel told me it was time to get into the car, I felt frozen in place. This was it, the last time this year that I was going to get into that car. My last moment to show everyone who Georgia Dubois really was.

“You got this, GG,” Mel called into the radio as I settled into the cockpit. “Let’s bring the bitch home.”

As the formation lap ended, I looked over to Noah, who was in P2. I couldn’t see his face, but I could picture the determination on it. He wanted the championship as much as I did, and he wasn’t going to let me have this win easily.

As soon as the five lights went, I launched the car into the first corner, making sure to defend my position from Noah, who had decided to be aggressive in his overtaking strategy.So, it’s gloves off then is it, Noah?

“Careful on tires, GG.” I knew Mel wanted these to last, but like hell was I going to let Noah Hendriks overtake me at the beginning of this race. As the race trudged onto lap thirty-five, I was still leading the pack. Noah and I had broken away from the group, but he’d managed to stay within four seconds behind me, just waiting for me to mess up – waiting for me to do a little spin or cross a curb too early, anything to get within DRS range.

“Yellow flag, accident close to the pit entrance.”

As soon as I saw the symbol on my steering wheel, I slowed down to the appropriate speed, letting the safety car guide me for several laps. Noah and I had both just pitted, and neither of us wanted to lose track position for a second pit – even if it was a “free stop,” as Mel always liked to tell me.

“Doesn’t feel free if I have to lose P1,” I often reminded her.

“Restart will be behind the safety car. Get ready to push. Noah will be right behind you.”

Of course, he was. Just my luck to get a safety car. Unfortunately for me, my luck was continuing to get worse. As soon as the green flag came onto my dashboard, I saw Noah Hendriks fly past me, getting much better traction on his tires as his car flew by.

“Fuck!” I screamed into the radio, but Mel said nothing back to me, clearly assessing the situation from the pit wall.

Lap forty-two rolled around, and I was still stuck behind Noah. No doubt I would have nightmares about his rear wing for the next several years. I was within DRS for several laps, but each time I made a move, Noah was able to defend and elude me, using his tires to exhaustion – and I was quickly getting into the same sinking boat.

“Relax on tires, GG. We think Noah’s will give out before yours right now. Keep diligent.”
