Page 103 of Dirty Legend

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I laughed. "You were right about his reaction."

Kennedy smirked. "I bet."

Amara: You wouldn't

True: Wanna make a bet?

Amara: ...No. See you tomorrow! Love you

True: …

True: Love you too even if you're torturing the shit out of me

Amara: ;)

I looked up from my phone with a huge grin on my face. "Ready to get back to the party?"

Kennedy nodded, grinning wickedly. "Montana's turn."

After the torturous as fuck pictures Amara sent me last night, all I'd wanted to do was go back to the hotel room, take a cold shower, and pass out. The sooner I went to sleep, the sooner tomorrow would come. The day I got to make her my wife. I wanted it so bad I couldn't even think straight.

When I woke up this morning, it felt like all the Christmases and birthdays of my life combined into one day. I almost didn't even mind the cold sheets next to me where Amara should have been. I could sacrifice one morning with her for a lifetime of happy days.

With everything that'd happened the past month or so, I needed this day with her. Marrying Amara had been the bright spot I'd used to get through every horrible name and accusation hurled my way. The fact she stood by me through everything with Lexi and the media and still wanted to tie herself to me permanently meant everything to me.

We planned on getting married at sunset on the beach behind Zen and Kennedy's, so I had practically the whole day in front of me. Just like Christmas, I woke up before dawn because I was too excited to sleep anymore. At least that meant I could probably hit the waves without the paparazzi.

I practically launched myself out of bed, ready to get the day going. I'd gone to bed early, but I was pretty sure my boys had stayed up drinking and messing around early into the morning. Still, I thought maybe Harrison and Gray would want to hit the break with me. I cracked the door to my room open and listened. The suite we'd rented for the night was quiet as I padded out into the main room.

Starting a pot of coffee, I wanted to see if I could draw out the guys. Maybe we could even convince Zen, Maddox, Connor, and Jericho to come with us, although I doubted any of them would want to this early.

A door creaked open, and I looked up, squinting into the dark, trying to see who it was.

Shuffling footsteps moved toward me before Gray stepped into the kitchen, plopping down on a stool at the counter. His blonde hair stood up in every direction, and I thought about how my own hair must look right now. I raked my hand through it a few times, trying to tame the mess. "Coffee?" I offered.

He nodded and yawned, stretching before slumping back on the stool. I turned and poured him a mug, sliding it across the counter. "Want to hit the beach with me?"

He sipped his coffee, wincing as the boiling liquid hit his tongue. "Yeah, when?"

I glanced at the clock on the microwave. "Twenty minutes?"

"Yeah, that works." He gripped his mug as he stood up, shuffling back to his room to get ready.

Crossing the enormous open space of the suite, I lightly knocked on Harrison's door and heard a muffled groan. I cracked the door open and poked my head inside. "Gray and I are heading to the beach in about fifteen minutes. You coming? I've got coffee."

He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

I grinned and shut the door with a soft click. I loved hitting the waves in the morning, but today I didn't want to be alone. Surfing with the guys would be exactly what I needed.

* * *

By the timewe got back from the beach and showered, everyone was up. Jericho sat on the couch, an Xbox controller in his hand, focused on the screen in front of him. I plopped down on the sofa beside him. Since the band had taken our year-long hiatus, he'd gotten even deeper into gaming than he had been before.

"Hey," I said, leaning back against the couch.

He paused his game and turned toward me. "You're getting married today."

I laughed. "Yep, thanks for pointing out the obvious."
