Page 64 of Dirty Legend

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I had to hand it over to Kennedy so she could finish planning the reveal with True’s mom Rebecca for tomorrow. If I didn’t get it out of here, I knew True and I would cave later tonight when he got home.

I swung the door open, and my two best friends pushed their way inside, both stopping to hug me and marvel over how much my belly had grown in the last couple of weeks since I’d been in LA last.

“Before I do something I shouldn’t, here.” I thrust the envelope into Kennedy’s hands, and her eyes went wide.

“Is this…”

“Little P’s gender? Yep.” I nodded. “Keep it away from me. I’m weak, and I’ll tear into it before the night is over if I keep it.”

She laughed and stuck it in her purse. “Oh, no, you don’t. You don’t get to know until tomorrow like everyone else. The party planner is the only one who’ll know in advance.”

I groaned. “You hired a party planner?”

Montana was in the middle of uncorking a bottle of wine, and she glanced up. “It’s like you don’t even know us. Of course we did.”

Kennedy stepped over to the cupboard and pulled down a couple of wine glasses, sliding them across the counter to Montana. I grabbed a juice out of the fridge and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave.

“There’s going to be a photographer there, too, so you need to look extra cute,” Kennedy said, taking a sip of her wine.

“You know what that means, right? We’re going shopping tomorrow. It’s not up for discussion.” Montana grabbed her glass and started walking toward the living room before turning back and grabbing the bottle. “I’m just being honest about the fact I’m both lazy and going to have more than one glass of this.”

“I’m jealous.” I lifted my juice and shook it around a bit. “A glass of wine sounds amazing right now.”

Kennedy moved next to me and reached down to rub my belly. “Just a few more months. I can’t believe you’re already more than halfway done.”

“Yeah, it’s going by so fast. I’m just glad not to be puking all the time anymore.” I grabbed a bowl and dumped the popcorn in, taking it over to the couch.

I lifted the remote, and we scrolled through Netflix, trying to decide what to watch before we settled on a scary movie. “Sorry, I’m just not up for a rom-com tonight.” Despite my brave face, the fact True was out with Lexi weighed on me. A ton.

Montana grabbed my hand. “We get it, babe. I bet by the time the movie’s over, True will be home, and all will be well.”

I hoped she was right.

* * *

True didn’t get homeuntil late last night, and by the time he showered and slid into bed, I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Still, when he wrapped his body around mine, there was no better feeling. He was home. I slept hard and woke up this morning refreshed and excited.

I tried to move out from under his arms, but every time I moved even a little, he pulled me even closer in his sleep. I wiggled again. “If you don’t let me go, I’m going to pee all over you,” I threatened because the situation was becoming dire.

He groaned but relented, loosening his grip so I could jump up and waddle my way to the bathroom. I wasn’t in full-on waddle mode just yet with my belly, but I was squeezing my legs together to keep from peeing on the floor.

Once I’d relieved myself, he sleepily held his arms open for me as I climbed back into bed and settled into his embrace, burying my face in his chest. “Mmm, I missed you.”

He played with my hair, running his fingers through it lazily. “I missed you so fucking much, Amara. You don’t even know.”

“How was last night?” I wasn’t sure I really wanted to know.

He sighed. “Fucking sucked. I don’t know how I’m going to get through twelve weeks of this shit, but now it’s out there, so what’s done is done. I have a video call with Harrison later this morning to talk about how everything went down.”

I wrapped my arm around his waist and hugged him even more tightly to me. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, I did this. Now I have to see it through even if I hate every second.” He kissed the top of my head. “How was your girl’s night?”

I smiled. “Fun. It was low-key, but they’re dragging me out this morning for more girl time before the party.”

He gripped me tighter. “Nope, they can’t have you.”

I giggled. “How about we make a deal?”
