Page 84 of Dirty Legend

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"Keep. Your. Fucking. Hands. To. Yourself." I bit out through clenched teeth in a whisper-growl. I was pissed. I was still standing up, but there wasn't anyone behind me to notice.

"I want to go home." She was pouting now, no doubt because she hadn't gotten what she wanted.

"Great, let's go." We'd come here together, but that didn't mean we had to leave together. She could take the limo, and I'd call a Lyft. I didn't want to be alone with her again. I couldn't trust that she'd respect me enough to keep her hands to herself.

When she stood up from her seat, she swayed. She reached out for the seat in front of her to steady herself, but I knew if she didn't hold onto me to get back to the car, she wouldn't make it. And there was no fucking way I was carrying her out of here.

I held out my arm, and she gripped onto it as we made our way out of the theater and through the lobby. Finally, we exited the doors back onto the red carpet. At least the photographers had all gone home, so I didn't have to worry about someone taking a picture of this disaster.

When I found our driver, he looked Lexi up and down with a look that was anything but innocent. I didn't like the way his eyes darkened. Even though Lexi drove me nuts and I wasn't her biggest fan, I also wasn't an uncaring jerk. I couldn't just leave her at some creep's mercy in her drunken state.

"We need to go. Drop her off first, then take me home." He nodded and opened the door, so I could help her in. I moved her to the back bench seat, and I took the middle one, keeping my distance.

After a short drive, we stopped outside Lexi's house. I helped her out of the car but she could barely stand up. Walking to her front door, she leaned most of her weight on me. "Keys?" I asked, holding out my hand. She handed me her entire purse, and I sighed, digging through the thousand and one things she had in there before finally finding the keys in a bottom corner. I pulled them out and unlocked the door, catching her as she stumbled inside.

"Help me into bed?" she asked, her eyes already half closed. Why the fuck did she have to get so wasted?

I sighed heavily and ran my hand through my hair. "Fine, where's your room?"

She tugged on my arm and stumbled down the hall. When we got to the doorway, she stumbled to her dresser and moved something around and then turned back to me with a lopsided grin on her face and unfocused eyes. "You're so sexy, True. I've wanted you for so long."

She moved towards me, stumbling as she pulled off her dress. She stood before me in just her bra and panties, and I looked away. I backed up a few steps, and she rushed at me, jumping onto my body with surprising agility, considering how fucked up she was right now. If I hadn't been so close to the wall, she would've knocked me on my ass.

She rubbed herself on me, grabbing my face and trying to force her lips onto mine. When she wasn't successful, she moved to my neck. "What the fuck are you doing, Lexi? Get the fuck off of me. Now!" I was shouting, but I didn't care. I was a fucking moron to have put myself in this situation. Again.

She slid down my body, her lip jutted out in a pout. "Don't you want me?"

"No! Jesus fucking Christ. How many times do I have to tell you I don't want you?" My chest was heaving as I tried to catch my breath. I was so fucking pissed.

She nodded and stumbled back across the room to her dresser, messing with something again. I narrowed my eyes. "What are you doing?"

She shrugged. "Grabbing my phone."

"Did… Did you just record that?" My nails bit into my palms as I clenched my hands into fists.

"Maaaybe. What will you give me to make it go away?" she purred.

Oh, fuck no.

I moved across the room and grabbed her phone, tossing it on the ground and smashing it under my foot.

"What the fuck, True? How could you do that?" she shrieked.

"Are you serious? Wow. Bye, Lexi." I turned and stomped out of the room, getting the fuck out of there as quick as I could. How could I have been so stupid? Hopefully, I destroyed that shit before it had a chance to upload to the cloud.

My stomach churned, and the level of anger at myself was shocking. I couldn't go home tonight. I couldn't face Amara after I'd almost let Lexi ruin everything. I needed Maddox. I knew I had a big, fat, "I told you so," coming my way from him, but I needed to lose myself in a bottle of whiskey and regroup before I faced Amara tomorrow to deal with the fallout of my fuckup.

I wouldn't blame her if she wanted to leave me after everything I'd put her through, but I couldn't handle the thought of that tonight. That was tomorrow's problem.

After telling the driver the address for Maddox's place, I sat back in the seat, trying to calm my racing heart. I pulled out my phone to text Maddox, but I already had a message from him.

Maddox: Told you it'd go to shit

True: ?

Maddox: CNT front page

A cold sweat broke out across my forehead as I navigated to the gossip website. My stomach clenched, and my chest tightened when I saw the headline. "VIDEO SURFACES OF ROCK STAR AND STARLET'S PRIVATE NIGHT."
