Page 50 of Playing Rough

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I catchup to Deck as he's heading back toward the athletic building, his face still flushed from the awkward scene he stumbled upon. "Hey, man. Can we talk for a sec?" I ask, hating how desperate I sound but needing to get this shit out there.

Deck turns, looking wary. "Sure, what's up?" His eyes flick towards our apartment building before returning to me. "Is this about London? Or the fight on the ice?"

"Both, actually." I run a hand through my hair, nerves twisting my gut. "Look, I know you walked in on... something back there. And I'm sorry you had to see that."

Deck looks like he's trying to figure out where this is going. "I don't care if you guys are hooking up or whatever. Just don't let it mess with team stuff."

My heart pounds in my ears. "It's not just hooking up. We're dating. Like, for real."

Deck's eyebrows shoot up. "Oh, shit." He looks stunned but not disgusted or anything. "That's uh...that's big news, man."

I nod, feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. "Yeah, it is. But we're keeping things quiet for now. Don't want the team to get caught up in our drama."

Deck nods slowly. "Yeah, that makes sense. But I'm happy for you guys. Really." He claps me on the shoulder and smiles warmly. "I won't tell anyone."

Relief floods through me. "Thanks, Deck. That means a lot."

He shifts his gaze over to me and then it darts away, almost like he's... curious. "How did this happen, anyway? I thought you guys hated each other."

I rub the back of my neck, feeling self-conscious but also wanting to share this with someone. "We did hate each other. Do you remember the retreat?"

Deck nods slowly, his eyes widening. "Oh shit, that was when you guys hooked up?"

"No." I blow out a breath. "But something happened that night. I talked to him and for the first time, I really listened to what he had to say." My voice softens. "And I realized how much we have in common. Hard to hate a guy when he's been through some of the same shit you have, you know?"

Deck smiles knowingly. "Yeah, I get it. And London seems like a good guy."

"He is." I can't keep the smile off my face as I think about London waiting for me back at our place. "And I'm lucky as hell to have him. Doesn't hurt that he's hot as fuck."

Deck gags. "Dude. No." He shakes his head. "I don't need to hear about your boyfriend's... fuck, anything."

I laugh and shove him playfully. "Guess I can spare you the details." I shrug. "Your loss."

Deck turns to me, his expression oddly sober. "But seriously, I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks, man." I clap him on the shoulder. "I appreciate you being cool with this. And keeping it quiet for now."

We head toward Coach's office, the tension between us broken. London and I might have to keep our relationship on the down low for now. But at least we've got one ally on our side.

I’ve only taken a couple of steps when I hear it.

I freeze when an all-too familiar voice calls out my name. Deck raises an eyebrow in a silent question, but I wave him off. My whole body's tense, but I knew I was gonna have to face this at some point. Ignoring all my dad's calls and texts since the game wasn't gonna keep him away forever.

"Go. I'll meet you inside."

Deck eyes me and then my pissed off asshole of a father before turning and heading inside.

My dad steps up, his expression hard as granite. "You've been avoiding me, son."

I cross my arms defensively. "Yeah, well, you haven't exactly gotten the hint since you're here."

"I don't know what it is you think you're doing, but your behavior in your last game was completely out of line. That's not how a Kensington acts. You know better than to embarrass me like you did."

His words cut deeper than I want to admit. I hate that he can still get to me even though he's made it clear over and over again how little of a shit he gives. Even now, the only reason he's here is because I embarrassed him, not because he actually cares.
