Page 52 of Playing Rough

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London messes with the radio while I focus on the curving highway flying under our wheels. The miles peel away and London's hand finds mine across the console, fingers threading together. We drive in contented silence as the world awakens around us.

About an hour into the drive, London turns to me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Let's play two truths and a lie. I'll go first."

I choke on my coffee, and he laughs.

He runs his thumb along his lower lip while he thinks, and I have to force my eyes back to the road. "Okay, got it. One, I once sang in a talent show. Two, I hate romantic comedies. And three, I had a pet iguana named Godzilla."

I consider his options. "Hmm... I'm gonna say the iguana is a lie."

"Damn, you're good. Yeah, never had an iguana. Now you go."

“Wait. I’m gonna need to hear more about this talent show.”

He scoffs. “Not a chance in hell.”

“I bet Aubrey has video.”

He cuts a glare my way. “I will kill you.”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. “You think I’m afraid of you, Lancaster?”

“You should be. I know where you sleep. Now go.”

I let it go for now and debate which truths to reveal. "Alright, I played the clarinet as a kid, I'm terrified of heights, and... I used to sneak into my dad's study to try his whiskey."

London laughs. "Oh man, please tell me it's the clarinet."

I grin sheepishly. "Yeah, never touched the clarinet. I wanted to crawl into a hole and die when my mom suggested it. No way was I going to become a band geek."

"You were a little badass even back then," London says with an approving smirk.

He runs his thumb along his bottom lip again, and I groan. “You’re fucking killing me.”

London gives me another dirty smirk and his eyes glint like he knows exactly what he’s doing.


“If I didn’t think you’d kill us both, I’d give you road head.”

My cock goes hard between one heartbeat and the next. Rock fucking solid. “What if I promise not to crash?”

He laughs again. “Not good enough, dude. I’m too hot to die.”

“Truth,” I mutter, glaring at him while I adjust myself. “You owe me for this.” I gesture to my dick. “And payback’s a bitch.”

“Bring it on, Kensington.” He grins at me and then kicks his feet up onto my dash. “My turn.

One, they almost expelled me in middle school for a prank gone wrong. Two, I once ate a ghost pepper on a dare and had to go to the ER. And three, I can play the guitar.”

I think about all the options, imagining a naughty, young London causing chaos wherever he went. "Hmm... I'm gonna guess the guitar is the lie."

London shakes his head, laughing. "Nope, I really can play pretty well. An ex boyfriend of my mom’s taught me as a kid before hockey took over my life.”

"No way, really?" I ask, genuinely surprised. I file away this new detail, desperate to learn everything about him.

"Really. The lie was the prank. Now you go, Kensington."

I debate which truths to reveal, wanting to give him new insight into me, too. "Alright, let's see. I used to want to be an astronaut, I'm terrified of spiders, and... I had a pet rabbit named Marshmallow when I was seven."
