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“Because,” she answers, opening the door to the bar, “I thought it would be a really good idea until I realized how much fucking work it would be, and now, it’s too late to hire someone.”

“So buy some ready-mades off of eBay.”

“No. His Royal Highness likes the idea of Bridezilla making the wedding favors. Apparently, the annoyance I’ll feel after a few hours of it will give me an idea as to how he feels when I’m in planning mode.” She slams the door behind me. “He’s a sweetheart, isn’t he?”

“How he feels? Most of the planning has been dumped on me!”

She snaps her head around.

“And I couldn’t be happier about it! I love you. Please don’t hurt me.” I put my hands together in front of my body in a praying action and smile sweetly.

“I’ll call you tomorrow. Aaron is going to New York with Tyler, so you and Tessa can stay with me. Okay?” She hugs me briefly then heads for her car. “Bye!”

I wave her off, and it’s not until she drives away that I remember that I had Tyler drive me here.


“What are you doing?”

I turn my face toward the door. “I’m watching TV. What does it look like?”

Tyler raises an eyebrow and kicks the door shut behind him. “With one leg hooked over the back of the sofa?”

Seriously? Why does everyone have a problem with the way I watch TV?

“Am I supposed to have my legs closed all the time because I’m a woman? I can slouch as well as any man, thank you very much.” I wriggle slightly.

“Believe me, babe. I have no problem with you having your legs wide open.”

“Then stop complaining.”

“I do, however, have a problem with the fact you’re not naked.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. Be sure to text me next time you’re dressed so I can be naked and ready for you.” I roll my eyes and swing my leg down so I can sit up.

Ty nods, a smirk teasing his lips. “That’s more like it.”

He walks into the kitchen and dumps a bag on the table next to Angus. Angus opens his eyes and stares at his disturber before closing them again and returning to his nap. Tyler chuckles quietly to himself.

“Still doesn’t like me, huh?”

“Angus doesn’t like anyone unless he’s just had pussy. Literally.” I get up and lean against the kitchen table.

“He sounds exactly like me. Maybe we need some guy time.” Ty tugs on my hair.

I bat his hand away. “By all means, take him home with you. You do know cats pee to mark their territory?”

He pauses. “On second thought, I’ll pass.” He dives his hand into the grocery bag in front of him and unpacks.

I watch as he pulls out various ingredients—ground beef, kidney beans, tomatoes, pepper, onion…

“What are you doing?” I ask, grabbing the pack of tortilla chips.

“I’m cooking you dinner.”

“Why?” I open the bag and grab a few chips.

Tyler frowns and snatches it off me. “I’m away all weekend. Tonight is for you.”
